Couchbase Python SDK 4.3

from couchbase.cluster import Cluster
from couchbase.auth import PasswordAuthenticator

cluster = Cluster('couchbase://your-ip', authenticator=PasswordAuthenticator('username', 'password'))
bucket = cluster.bucket('default')
coll = bucket.default_collection()

coll.upsert('key', 'value')
get_res = coll.get("key")
print('Get result - value: {}; CAS: {}'.format(get_res.content, get_res.cas))

# Output:
# Get result - value: value; CAS: 1617046112012992512

The Couchbase Python SDK allows Python applications to access a Couchbase cluster. The Python SDK uses the high-performance C++ library Couchbase++ to handle communicating to the cluster over Couchbase’s binary protocols.

Using Your Database


Take a deep-dive into the SDK concept material and learn more about Couchbase.


Useful resources to help support your development experience with Couchbase and the Python SDK.

Capella Columnar SDKs

SDKs for Capella Columnar — Couchbase’s analytical database (RT-OLAP) for real time apps and operational intelligence — are in development, and will be arriving first for the Java, Node.js, and Python platforms.