Analytics Monitor

  • Capella Operational
      The Monitor flyout in the Analytics Workbench enables you to monitor Analytics queries and metrics.

      You can monitor running and completed Analytics queries, and the status of the Analytics service, using the Monitor flyout in the Analytics Workbench.

      Access the Monitor Flyout

      To access the Monitor flyout, click the Monitor button in the Analytics Workbench. The Monitor flyout is displayed.

      List Analytics Queries

      To list Analytics queries, click the List tab at the top of the Monitor flyout. A list of Analytics queries is displayed.

      To see the active Analytics queries, click Active at the top of the list. The list displays active Analytics queries.

      The Active Analytics Queries list in the Monitor flyout.

      To see the completed Analytics queries, click Completed at the top of the list. The list displays completed Analytics queries.

      The Completed Analytics Queries list in the Monitor flyout.

      The following information is displayed for each active or completed query.

      Option Description


      The SQL++ for Analytics query statement.


      The node which handled the request.


      The time taken to run the request.


      The state of the request: running or completed.


      The user who made the request.

      To pause monitoring the active or completed queries, click the pause ❚ ❚ button at the top of the list.

      To continue monitoring the active or completed queries, click the play button at the top of the list.

      Monitor Analytics Metrics

      To monitor Analytics metrics, click the Metrics tab at the top of the Monitor flyout. A grid of charts is displayed.

      The Metrics tab in the Monitor flyout.

      The charts display the following information.

      Chart Description

      Analytics Total Disk Size

      The total disk size used by the Analytics Service.

      Analytics System Load

      System load for Analytics Service.

      Analytics Write Rate

      The rate at which disk bytes are written for the Analytics Service.

      Analytics Read Rate

      The rate at which disk bytes are read for the Analytics Service.

      To change the timespan covered by the charts, open the Past drop-down list and select a duration: Minute, Hour, Day, Week, or Month.

      To see the value at of any chart at a specific time, hover the mouse pointer over a chart at the time you want to inspect. A pop-up tooltip shows the monitored value at the indicated time.

      Close the Monitor Flyout

      To close the Monitor flyout, click the × button at the top right of the flyout.