Sizing a Cluster

  • Capella Operational
      Couchbase provides Capella features to help you size your cluster appropriately.

      Sizing a cluster correctly is critical to its overall stability and performance. Couchbase Capella simplifies and eliminates most of the traditional complexities of sizing a Couchbase Server deployment. This makes it much easier for you to get started with a properly sized cluster.

      You can configure cluster sizing during the cluster creation process or scale a cluster after it’s created.

      To minimize the risk and severity of cluster outages, Couchbase Capella clusters using Couchbase Server 7.6 or later have guardrails that limit some cluster operations when cluster conditions meets certian thresholds. To learn more, see Couchbase Server Guardrails.

      The following topics can help you understand Couchbase services and how to size them:

      For more information about how to configure a cluster in Capella, see Configure Your Cluster.