Work with Documents

  • Capella Operational
  • how-to
    How to perform CRUD key-value operations in Couchbase.


    Every item in a database goes through the basic CRUD cycle, which is typical of an application’s use of data. CRUD stands for create, read, update, and delete:

    • Create: when data is first inserted into the cluster

    • Read: when an application retrieves the data

    • Update: when data is modified to reflect a change in the state represented by the data

    • Delete: when the data is no longer needed

    The Key-Value (KV) or Data Service offers Couchbase clients the fastest and simplest way to create, retrieve or mutate data where the key is known.

    Before You Begin

    If you want to try out the examples in this section, follow the instructions given in Create an Account and Deploy Your Free Tier Operational Cluster to create a free account, deploy a cluster, and load a sample dataset.

    Couchbase Clients

    Clients access data by connecting to a Couchbase cluster over the network. The most common type of client is a Couchbase SDK, which is a full programmatic API that enables applications to take the best advantage of Couchbase. This developer guide focuses on the most commonly-used SDKs, but full explanations and reference documentation for all SDKs is available.

    The Couchbase Shell (cbsh) also provides a quick and streamlined interface for simple access, and is suitable if you just want to access an item without writing any code. Note that the Couchbase Shell is currently in developer preview, and is not covered by support.

    Read the following for further information about the clients available:

    It is also possible to access document data via the Couchbase Capella UI.