Manage Organization Users

  • Capella Operational
      Invite users to an organization and manage their roles within the organization.

      View and Manage Organization Users From the Capella UI

      You can view and manage the users in an organization from the People tab. A summary of all users is displayed in a table format.

      The 'Users' tab showing a table of multiple users, including both Couchbase Capella users and Cluster users, some with a Status of Verified and some with a status of Pending.

      Users Summary

      The People tab shows a summary of all users that have been added to the organization.

      The user summary displays the following information about each user:


      The name and email address of the user. This column is sorted alphabetically based on the name.

      Email Status

      The invitation status of the user.

      • Verified: The invitee has accepted the invitation.

      • Pending: The invitee has not yet accepted the invitation.


      The type of organization role(s) assigned to the account:

      Add/Invite Users to an Organization

      Single Sign-On (SSO) and Social Sign In

      People you invite to an organization can sign in using third-party accounts such as Google or GitHub if they’re associated with the same email address. When using SSO with your organization, make sure only authorized SSO users can access your organization by only inviting Organization Owners. Configure all other users using your SSO provider.

      Users with SSO do not need an invitation and can sign in using the organization’s realm name. For more information, see Sign in to Capella with SSO.

      To add users to your organization, you must have the Organization Owner role. You must also have the email address of the person you plan to invite.

      1. From the People tab, click Invite People.

        On the Invite People page, configure the following:


        Enter the user’s email address, where they will receive an invitation to log into Capella.

        Organization Roles

        Choose one or more organization roles for the user.

      2. To confirm and send the invitation, click Invite.

        After you add a user, Capella sends an email to invite them to join the organization. An invited user is shown in the People tab with a status of Pending until they accept their invitation. Once they accept the invitation, their status shows Verified.

        A pending user cannot access anything in the organization until they accept the invitation and configure their account. Invitations expire after 24 hours.

      Resend or Cancel a User’s Invitation

      If a user didn’t receive their invitation before it expired, you have the option to resend the invitation.

      1. From the People tab, click the name of the user you want to re-invite or cancel.

      2. Under the Resend Invite section, click Resend Invite.

      Alternatively, if you don’t want to add the user to your organization, you can cancel their invitation.

      1. Under the Remove User section click Remove User.

      2. To confirm that you want to remove the user, click Remove.

      Change a User’s Organization Role

      To change a user’s organization role, you must have Organization Owner organization role.

      An organization must have at least one user with the Organization Owner role at all times. If you are the only Organization Owner user, you cannot edit your own role until you grant the Organization Owner role to at least one other user.

      If you remove the Organization Owner role from a user, they also lose the Project Owner role for all projects in their organization. They keep their other project roles.

      1. From the People tab, click the name of the user whose role you want to change,

      2. Under the Role section, click Edit Organizational Role.

      3. From the list of organization roles, select the roles that you want to add to the current user. Clear the roles you want to remove.

      4. To confirm your changes, click Update.

      Remove a User (or Yourself) from an Organization

      The removal of a user who signs in with SSO from an organization is managed using the identity provider.
      Removing a user from an organization will remove all organization roles assigned to this user and remove their access to all projects contained in that organization.

      Use this procedure to remove either yourself or another user from an organization. To remove someone other than yourself from an organization, you must have Organization Owner privileges. An organization must have at least one user with the Organization Owner role at all times. If you are the only Organization Owner user, you cannot leave the organization until you grant the Organization Owner role to at least one other user.

      1. From the People tab, click the name of the user you want to remove from the organization. (This can be yourself if you’re removing yourself from the organization.)

        Clicking on the user’s name opens the user’s page.

      2. Under the Remove User section click Remove User.

      3. To confirm that you want to remove the user, click Remove.