View the Activity Log for a Capella Columnar Cluster

  • Capella Columnar
  • concept
    Activity logs provide an audit trail of events in your Capella Columnar cluster.

    Activity logs include the following information for each logged event:

    Field Description


    The title of the event. You can click the summary to open a page with details of that specific event.


    The severity of the event. One of Info, Warning, or Critical.

    See Event Severity for more information.


    The cluster where the event occurred.


    Who the event was initiated by. Either a user or, for system-originating events, the System.


    The date and time of the event. Timestamps include the date and time when the event occurred and how many days, weeks, or months ago that was. All time in the activity log is in your local time.

    View an Activity Log

    To view an activity log:

    1. In your Columnar cluster, go to Settings  Activity Log.

    2. Use the following available filters to choose the events that appear in the activity log:

      • User to filter by who initiated the events.

      • Severity to filter by the severity of the events.

      • Tag to filter by the tags of the events.

      • The date and time pickers To and From to filter by a specific time range.

    You can combine multiple filters to narrow down what you’re looking for.

    View an Event

    Events are items written to activity logs that reflect specific conditions in your Capella Columnar cluster. To view the details of an event shown in the activity log, click the name of the event under the Summary field.

    Events with the Info severity usually include fewer details. Events with the Warning or Critical severity can include more information to help you resolve the issue.

    To create a support ticket related to the event, click Create Support Ticket.

    Event Severity

    Each event that Capella Columnar emits includes a severity level. The following event severity levels are available:

    Severity Description


    Informational events like creating and deleting clusters.

    Events with an info severity range from user activities to regular database operation tasks.


    Unexpected issues that affect performance or cause other problems that might need intervention.

    Events with a warning severity often indicate a database is trending towards more critical thresholds.


    Availability affecting events that require immediate intervention.

    Most events with a critical severity occur due to database resource usage exceeding critical utilization thresholds.

    Event Tags

    Each event in Capella Columnar has one or more tags. Tags categorize events and allow you to filter them. The following tags are available:

    Tag Description


    Events that indicate degraded database performance, availability, or both.


    Events for the creation and deletion of databases and their related resources.


    Events that can affect billing, such as the creation and deletion of resources.


    Events relating to scheduled or on-demand maintenance tasks, like backup and restore.


    Events that signal performance-affecting conditions.


    Events related to Capella Columnar UI or database access, like the invitation of a new user or the creation of new database credentials.