Capella Columnar Management API Errors
- Capella Columnar
- reference
An explanation of error messages generated by the Capella Columnar Management API.
This page is for Capella Columnar. For Capella operational, see Management API Errors.
Error Messages
HTTP Status 400
Bad request.
Code | Name | Description | HTTP Status |
The server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error. Check if you have provided a valid URL and all the required params are present in the request body. |
The request was malformed or invalid. |
The provided conflict resolution is not supported. Please choose a valid conflict resolution strategy for the bucket. |
Invalid job configuration. Action field cannot be empty, and must be one of 'backup' or 'restore'. Returned when a job is attempting to be added to a backup schedule with no action. |
Invalid job configuration. Source field cannot be empty, and must be one of 'manual' or 'scheduled'. Returned when a job is attempting to be added to a backup schedule with no source. |
Invalid job configuration. All restore jobs must have restore options set. Returned when a restore job is being added without restore options set. |
The day attribute is invalid. Only an integer between 0 and 6 is allowed. Returned when the day attribute to the timing struct is not an integer between 0 and 6. |
The hour attribute is invalid. Only an integer between 0 and 23 is allowed. Returned when the hour attribute to the timing struct is not an integer between 0 and 23. |
The incrementalEvery attribute is invalid. Returned when asked to create or modify a backup schedule, but the incremental value provided is not valid. Must be one of '1', '2', '4', '6', '8', '12', or '24'. |
The unit attribute is invalid. Must be one of 'minute', 'hourly', 'daily', or 'weekly'. Returned when the unit attribute is not one of the expected allowed constants. |
Unsupported type for backup schedule. The full backup type must be 'weekly'. Returned when the scheduled backup type is not 'weekly'. |
Invalid incremental backup interval. The minimum allowed incremental backup interval is every 4 hours. Returned when the incremental backup interval is quicker than every 4 hours. |
The backup retention time is invalid. Returned when the given backup retention time is not supported. |
Output type is not supported. |
HTTP Status 401
Code | Name | Description | HTTP Status |
The request is unauthorized. Please ensure you have provided appropriate credentials in the request header. Please make sure the client IP that is trying to access the resource using the API key is in the API key allowlist. |
HTTP Status 403
Code | Name | Description | HTTP Status |
Access Denied. Your access to the requested resource is denied. Please make sure you have the necessary permissions to access the resource. |
Access Denied. Your access to the requested resource is denied. Please make sure you have the necessary permissions to access the resource. |
Unable to create a project. Project count limit is reached. Please ensure to stay within the quota. If required, please create support ticket in order to increase the quota. |
Returned when attempting to do operations for backups but the cluster is a free tier cluster. |
Returned when attempting to do operations for CMEK but the cluster is a self service trial cluster. |
HTTP Status 404
Not found.
Code | Name | Description | HTTP Status |
Organization not found. Check if the organization ID is valid. |
The server cannot find a project by its ID. Check if the project ID is valid. |
Check if the project ID is valid. |
Resource not Found. |
The requested cluster details could not be found or fetched. Please ensure that the correct cluster ID is provided. |
The cluster network information for the received ID could not be found. Please ensure that the correct ID is provided. |
The requested bucket does not exist. Please ensure that the correct bucket ID is provided. |
The requested backup record could not be found. Returned when the requested backup record could not be found. |
The requested download record could not be found. Returned when the download record cannot be found for the given ID and cluster. |
Unable to retrieve the backup specified. Returned when encountering an error while attempting to retrieve a backup record. |
Backup schedule not found. Returned when a backup schedule is not found for the bucket. |
Check userId is valid. |
Verify the provided user ID and ensure it corresponds to an existing user before attempting to delete. |
User not found. The system was unable to locate a user with the specified ID. Ensure that the provided user ID is correct and corresponds to an existing user. |
Unable to process request for key. The key requested does not exist. Please ensure the ID of the key is correct and try again. Please double-check the provided ID for the key and ensure it exists before making the request. |
The requested collection details could not be found or fetched. Please ensure that the correct collection name is provided. |
The requested scope details could not be found or fetched. Please ensure that the correct scope name is provided. |
Returned from the API when a database does not have an existing On/Off schedule. |
App Endpoint not found. |
HTTP Status 409
Code | Name | Description | HTTP Status |
There is a conflict with the current state of a resource. Returned when trying to create or update a resource that already exists or has conflicting information. |
Cannot delete bucket as associated app service is not in healthy state. Please wait for the app service to become healthy before performing the action. |
Unable to add job, as it already exists and is waiting to be processed. Returned when there is already a backup or restore job with the same key in the backup config schedule. |
Unable to add backup schedule, as a schedule already exists for the bucket. Returned when there is already a backup schedule for the bucket in the backup config schedule. |
Unable to process request, as backup ID in the payload does not match backup ID in the path. Returned when asked to restore a backup and backup IDs in path and payload do not match. |
Returned from the API when an app service cannot be turned on because it is not currently turned off. |
Returned from the API when an app service cannot be turned off because it's in an unhealthy state. |
Returned from the API when a database cannot be turned on because it is not currently turned off. |
Returned from the API when a database cannot be turned off because it's in an unhealthy state. |
Returned from the API when a database cannot be turned off because of upcoming maintenance. |
Returned from the API when a database cannot be turned off because of an active backup or restore job. |
Returned from the API when trying to turn off a database with memory only buckets. |
Returned from API when given database cannot be turned off because it has a pending redeployment. |
Returned from API when given database cannot be turned off because the linked app service is in invalid state. |
Please ensure the columnar cluster is an valid state to be turned on. |
Please ensure the columnar cluster is an valid state to be turned off. |
HTTP Status 412
Precondition failed.
Code | Name | Description | HTTP Status |
The request precondition failed. The resource state does not meet the conditions specified in the request headers. Please Verify the precondition headers (e.g., If-Match, If-Unmodified-Since) and ensure they align with the current state of the resource. |
Please include the correct ETag version with the request. |
The ETag provided is not valid. The version of the document provided does not appear to be an integer. Please include the correct ETag version with the request. |
The ETag provided is not valid. Please include the correct ETag version with the request. |
Please retry the request. |
HTTP Status 422
Unprocessable content.
Code | Name | Description | HTTP Status |
The server was unable to process the request because it contains invalid data. Check the request payload and ensure all required fields are valid. |
The server was unable to process the request because it contains invalid data. Check the request payload and ensure all required fields are valid. |
Retry with a description with a maximum length 256 characters. |
Retry with a name with a maximum length 128 characters. |
Please ensure that Availability Zone type is provided. |
Please ensure that Availability Zone type is provided. |
Please ensure that the provider provided is supported. |
Please ensure that payload or body of the request is not empty. |
Please ensure that a valid timezone is provided. |
Please ensure that server group has at least (1) node. |
Please ensure that server specifications provided contain services. |
Please ensure that the provided CIDR is valid. |
Please ensure that CIDR range has an IP address of the network address. |
Please ensure that the CIDR range is within the private ID address ranges. |
Please ensure that the CIDR range is unique within this organisation. |
Please ensure that the provided name has at least the minimum length. |
Please ensure that the provided cluster name does not exceed the maximum length limit. |
Please ensure that the cluster name only contains valid characters when creating or modifying the cluster name. |
Please ensure that the provided cluster description does not exceed the maximum length limit when creating or modifying the cluster. |
Please ensure that the provided region is supported by the given cloud provider. |
Please include the data service in the cluster specifications when creating or modifying the cluster. |
Please provide a valid project ID when creating a new cluster. The provided project does not exist. |
Please provide a valid tenant ID when creating a new cluster. The provided tenant does not exist. |
Please provide a valid image name when performing an operation on the cluster. The provided image name is not valid. |
Please provide a valid package type when creating or modifying a cluster. The provided package type is not valid. |
Please provide a supported provider when creating a cluster. The provided provider is not supported. |
Please provide a valid instance type when creating or modifying a cluster's specifications. The provided compute type is invalid. |
The tenant is not able to create a new cluster due to payment issues or revoked activation. |
The requested action is not supported for the cluster's architecture. Please ensure the cluster architecture supports the action. |
Please do not specify IOPS for this disk type when attempting to deploy a cluster. |
Please do not specify disk size or IOPS for this disk type when attempting to deploy a cluster. |
Please provide a valid Couchbase Server version when creating a cluster. The provided server version is not supported. |
Please provide a valid projectId. |
Please check the expiry for the allowlist. |
Please specify start time less than 30 days ago. |
Please specify start time more than 15 minutes ago. |
Please ensure start time is before end time. |
Please specify time range that is more than 15 minutes. |
Please provide a valid sort direction ('asc' or 'desc') when using the 'sortDirection' parameter for pagination in the request. |
Please provide a valid sort by field when using the 'sortBy' parameter for pagination in the request. |
The maximum number of buckets has already been reached. Unable to create a new bucket. |
The bucket name provided already exists. Please choose a different name for the bucket. |
The requested bucket size exceeds the maximum allowed size. Please choose a smaller size for the bucket. |
When creating a bucket with the Magma storage engine, please ensure that the Couchbase Server version is at least 7.1. |
The provided durability level is not supported. The supported levels are 'none', 'majority', 'persistToMajority', and 'majorityAndPersistActive'. Please choose a valid durability level for the bucket. |
The requested number of replicas exceeds the maximum allowed replicas based on the cluster configuration. Please reduce the number of replicas for the bucket. |
The associated cluster for the bucket could not be located. Please ensure that the cluster exists and try again. |
The requested action or configuration change is not supported for the cluster's architecture. Please ensure the cluster has a supported architecture. |
The architecture of the cluster could not be determined. |
Memory Only (ephemeral) buckets are not currently enabled. |
The bucket name is not valid. A bucket name cannot be empty. Please provide a valid name for the bucket. |
The bucket name provided is not valid. A bucket name cannot start with a dot ('.'). Please provide a valid name for the bucket. |
The bucket name provided is not valid. The maximum length of the bucket name can be 100 characters. Please provide a valid name for the bucket within the allowed length. |
The bucket name contains an invalid character. Supported characters are those in the ranges of A-Z, a-z, and 0-9; plus the underscore, period, dash, and percent characters. Please provide a valid name for the bucket. |
Bucket type is required when creating a bucket, and must be one of 'couchbase' or 'ephemeral'. Please specify a valid bucket type for the bucket. |
The provided bucket type is invalid. Bucket type must be one of 'couchbase' or 'ephemeral'. Please provide a valid bucket type for the bucket. |
storageBackend is an invalid configuration option for Memory Only buckets. Either switch to a Memory and Disk bucket or remove the 'storageBackend' payload from the request. |
evictionPolicy is required for Memory Only buckets and must be one of 'nruEviction' or 'noEviction'. Please specify a valid eviction policy for the Memory Only bucket. |
The provided evictionPolicy is invalid for Memory Only buckets. evictionPolicy must be one of 'noEviction' or 'nruEviction'. Please provide a valid eviction policy for the Memory Only bucket. |
The provided durabilityLevel is invalid for Memory Only buckets. Valid options are none and majority. Please provide a valid durability level for the Memory Only bucket. |
The provided evictionPolicy is an invalid configuration option for Couchbase (Memory and Disk) buckets. Please specify 'fullEviction', or remove the evictionPolicy payload from the request to use the default ('fullEviction'). |
Cannot create Magma bucket. The requested size of the Magma bucket is less than the minimum amount of 1024MB. Please choose a larger size for the Magma bucket. |
Cannot create bucket. The requested size of the bucket is less than the minimum amount of 100MB. Please choose a larger size for the bucket. |
The replica count provided for the bucket is not valid. The maximum number of replicas is 3. Please reduce the number of replicas for the bucket. |
The TTL given is too large. The maximum allowed TTL is 2147483647 seconds. Please choose a smaller TTL for the bucket. |
The replica count provided for the bucket is not valid. The minimum number of replicas is 1. Please increase the number of replicas for the bucket. |
Unable to migrate storage backend. The server version must be at least 7.6.0. Cannot migrate storage backend from couchstore to magma due to incorrect server version. Please make sure that the server version is >= 7.6.0. |
Unable to migrate bucket storage backend. The cluster is currently performing other operations. Please wait until the cluster operations succeed and then try again. Cannot migrate storage backend from couchstore to magma as the cluster is not in healthy state. Please wait until the cluster operations succeed and then try again. |
Returned when trying to update bucket storage backend that is already magma. Please make sure that the bucket storage backend for the buckets is couchstore in order to be migrated to magma. |
Cannot migrate bucket to magma as the backend storage type is not supported for migration. Please note that only couchstore buckets can be migrated to magma. |
Cannot modify bucket durability level as only Durability level 'none' is allowed for single node clusters. |
Cannot perform the action due to the entity not being in a writable state. Please wait for the entity to become writable before performing the action. |
Unable to process request. The backup configuration for the cluster is missing. Please submit a support request to resolve this issue. Returned when an operation against a backup config is requested and the backup config is missing. |
The end date of the range cannot be before the start date of the range. Returned when an end date that is before the start date of a date range is given. |
Unable to restore to target cluster, as it is on a different cloud provider than the source. Returned when attempting to restore from a cluster in one provider to a cluster in another. |
Unable to target a restore for a cluster that is not in a healthy state. Returned when attempting to create a restore job for an unhealthy cluster. |
Backups must be in a state of 'ready' before being used. Returned when attempting to use a backup that is not in a 'ready' state. |
Backup must not have expired to be used for a restore. Returned when attempting to restore a backup that has been expired. |
The source cluster ID is invalid. Please ensure the source cluster id matches the id in the path. Returned when attempting to restore a backup and the source cluster id does not match the cluster id in the url path of the request. |
Invalid restore options. Services list cannot be empty. Returned when a restore options services list is empty. |
Invalid restore options. Unknown service '{{Service}}'. Returned when a restore options services list contains an unknown service. |
Cycle must not have expired to be used for listing backups. Returned from API when a cycle has been found to be expired. |
Unable to process request for backup. Backup in pending state cannot be modified. Returned when asked to modify or delete a backup in pending state. |
Check email domain is valid. |
Email accounts using this domain is not accepted. |
Validation failed for the email address. |
Email address cannot be empty. Please provide a valid email. Ensure that you provide a non-empty email address. |
The provided email address email is invalid; the '@' is missing. Make sure the email address contains the '@' symbol. |
Ensure that the local part of the email address does not exceed 64 characters. |
Check that the domain part of the email address is valid. |
Ensure that the email address is a valid UTF-8 string. |
Sign in with the provided email address or use a different one. |
Ensure there is at least one other Organization Owner before attempting to remove this user. |
Role based permissions for SSO user cannot be updated when team Group Mapping is enabled. Any RBAC permission changes for an SSO user should be done through a Team except when group mapping is disabled on the Realm. |
Returned when attempting to create a couchstore bucket and providing an invalid storageBackend value. Use either 'couchstore' or 'magma'. |
The time-to-live value provided is not supported. It should be a non-negative integer. Returned when a time-to-live unit that is not supported is given during bucket creation. This should be a non-negative value. |
Returned when a trying to set a privilege other than data_reader / read or data_writer / write while creating a database credential. |
Verify the provided appservice is in healthy state before updating. |
Please double-check the provided ARN and ensure it follows the correct format |
Please double-check the provided key name and ensure it is valid according to GCP's naming conventions. |
Please ensure that the configuration for the key includes metadata for either the AWS or GCP key, and then try again. |
Please provide a valid tenant ID when creating a CMEK, and ensure that it is included in the request. |
Please ensure that the key is not in use by any nodes in your clusters before attempting to delete it. |
The time-to-live value provided is not supported. It should be a non-negative integer. Returned when a time-to-live unit given during collection creation is not supported. This should be a non-negative value. |
The scope name provided is not valid. The maximum length of the scope name can be (251) characters. Returned if when attempting to create a scope the name of the scope provided is too long. |
The scope name is not valid. A scope name can not be empty. Returned if when attempting to create a scope the name of the scope is empty. |
Returned if when attempting to create a scope the name of the scope contains an unsupported character. |
The scope name provided is not valid. A scope name can not start with an underscore or percentage. Returned if when attempting to create a scope the name of the scope provided starts with an underscore or percentage. |
Returned if when attempting to create a scope but the name of the scope already exists. |
The collection name provided is not valid. The maximum length of the collection name can be (251) characters. Returned if when attempting to create a collection the name of the collection provided is too long. |
The collection name is not valid. A collection name can not be empty. Returned if when attempting to create a collection the name of the collection is empty |
Returned if when attempting to create a collection the name of the collection contains an unsupported character. |
The collection name provided is not valid. A collection name can not start with an underscore or percentage. Returned if when attempting to create a collection the name of the collection provided starts with an underscore or percentage. |
Returned if when attempting to create a collection but the name of the collection already exists. |
Returned when the timezone in the schedule is invalid. |
Returned when the provided schedule is missing weekdays. |
Returned when the provided schedule has 'on' or 'off' day with 'on' time boundary. |
Returned when the provided schedule has a 'custom' day without 'from' time boundary. |
Returned when the provided schedule has a 'custom' day with an invalid hour value. |
Returned when the provided schedule has a 'custom' day with an invalid minute value. |
Returned when the provided schedule has a 'custom' day with 'from' boundary after 'to' boundary. |
Returned when the provided schedule has Custom days with an invalid state. |
Returned when the provided schedule has the days in an invalid order than the one specified. |
Returned when the provided schedule has an invalid day name. |
Returned when trying to create a new on/off schedule for the cluster which already exists. |
To change an existing Audit Log Streaming config, one must already exist. No Audit Log Streaming config currently exists. A config can be supplied using the appropriate endpoint. |
Log Streaming collector config not set. |
Invalid Generic HTTP credentials. Please provide both a username and password or neither. |
Date/Time format in the payload is incorrect. |
The request body must explicitly define whether streamingEnabled is true or false. |
The request body must have outputType defined. outputType must be set when either streamingEnable=true or when streamingEnabled=false and other collector config fields have been provided. |
The request body must have log streaming credentials defined. Credentials must be set when either streamingEnable=true or when streamingEnabled=false and other collector config fields have been provided. |
Returned when attempting to create or modify an app service deployment with instance desired capacity of 1, but the associated cluster is not in single node mode or the single node app service feature is not enabled for the tenant. |
Returned when attempting to create or modify an app service deployment with instance desired capacity of more than 1, but the associated cluster is in single node mode and the single node app service feature is enabled for the tenant. |
Returned when the TTL given during collection creation or modification is not valid. |
Returned when attempting to modify a collection but the server version is not supported. This operation is only supported for server version 7.6.0 and above. |
Returned when a time to live unit that is not supported is given during collection creation or modification. |
Returned when attempting to create a CMEK with an asymmetric KMS key. Please provide the ARN of a symmetric KMS key. |
Adding a third party alert notification requires a paid plan. Upgrade to a Capella paid plan to configure an alert integration Returned when a trial account user tries to use the Alert Integration feature. |
Please ensure cloud provider provided is valid. |
Please enter the valid region for cluster deployment |
Please ensure couchbase server requested for cluster deployment is supported. |
Please ensure availability zones count is sufficient for selected cluster configuration type. |
Please ensure cluster configuration provided ensures specifying availability zones. |
Please ensure availability zones specified is valid. |
Please ensure selected support plan supports specifying availability zones configuration. |
Please ensure selected support plan supports specifying availability zones configuration. |
Please ensure any service is not repeated in more than one service group. |
Please ensure node count is 1 for single node cluster deployments. |
Please ensure node count for service group containing data service is between (3) and (27). |
Please ensure all service groups have node count more then the allowed minimum. Additional service groups can have 2 nodes minimum and 24 nodes maximum. |
Please ensure that number of nodes for deployment request is between (3) and (27). |
Please ensure data service is present in at least one of the service groups while deploying cluster. |
Please ensure that the current compute type can be modified to the one provided. |
Please ensure that the type, the size, and the IOPS (if applicable) of a disk are not modified. |
Please ensure that the modified number of nodes is between (3) and (27). |
Please ensure the IOPS value is in the correct range for the selected Ultra disk size. |
Cannot set replica count other than '0' for single-node clusters. |
Returned when attempting to create a new VPC peering relationship but the cloud service provider provided is not valid. |
Returned when trying to retrieve command when the admin consent has not been granted by the customer or the consent granted by the customer has not been successfully verified. |
Cannot delete cluster when deletion protection is enabled. |
Cannot delete app service when deletion protection is enabled on linked cluster. |
HTTP Status 429
Too many requests.
Code | Name | Description | HTTP Status |
Oops! You've made too many requests. Please wait for time specified in the retryAfter header before trying again. The number of requests allowed per API key has exceeded. Please retry after time specified in the retryAfter header has passed. |
HTTP Status 500
Internal server errors.
Code | Name | Description | HTTP Status |
An internal server error occurred. Something went wrong on our end. We are actively investigating the issue. |
An internal server error occurred. Something went wrong on our end. We are actively investigating the issue. |
An internal server error occurred. Something went wrong on our end. We are actively investigating the issue. |
An internal server error occurred. Something went wrong on our end. We are actively investigating the issue. |
An internal server error occurred. Something went wrong on our end. We are actively investigating the issue. |
An internal server error occurred. Something went wrong on our end. We are actively investigating the issue. |
An internal server error occurred. Something went wrong on our end. We are actively investigating the issue. |
See Also
For details of the Management API, see Manage Deployments with the Columnar Management API.
For a full reference guide to the Management API, see Capella Columnar Management API Reference.