Querying with SQL++

      Parallel data management for complex queries over many records, using a familiar SQL-like syntax.

      The SQL++ (formerly N1QL) Query Language provides a familiar, SQL-like experience for querying documents stored in Couchbase. You can read up on the language in our reference guide, but you probably just want to dive into a practical example.

      Below, we fill in some of the gaps between reference and rolling-up-your-sleeves practicality, with discussion of a few areas of the Query Service where more background knowledge will help you to better program your application.

      Prepared Statements for Query Optimization

      When a SQL++ query string is sent to the server, the server will inspect the string and parse it, planning which indexes to query. Once this is done, it generates a query plan (see the SQL++ reference, which gives more information on how to optimize queries using prepared statements). The computation for the plan adds some additional processing time and overhead for the query.

      Often-used queries can be prepared so that its plan is generated only once. Subsequent queries using the same query string will use the pre-generated plan instead, saving on the overhead and processing of the plan each time. This is done for queries from the SDK by setting the adhoc query option to false.

      For Couchbase Server 6.0 and earlier, the plan is cached by the SDK (up to a limit of 5000), as well as the Query Service. On Couchbase Server 6.5 and newer, the plan is stored by the Query Service — up to an adjustable limit of 16 384 plans per Query node.

      For Couchbase Server 6.0 and earlier, the generated plan is not influenced by placeholders. Thus parameterized queries are considered the same query for caching and planning purposes, even if the supplied parameters are different. With Couchbase Server 6.5 and newer, if a statement has placeholders, and a placeholder is supplied, the Query Service will generate specially optimized plans. Therefore, if you are supplying the placeholder each time, adhoc = true will actually return a better-optimized plan (at the price of generating a fresh plan for each query).

      If your queries are highly dynamic, we recommend using parameterized queries if possible (epecially when prepared statements are not used). Parameterized queries are more cache efficient and will allow for better performance.

      For the C++ SDK, the adhoc parameter should be set to false for a plan to be prepared, or a prepared plan to be reused.

      std::string stmt = R""""(
                          SELECT COUNT(*)
                          FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.airport
                          WHERE country=$1;
      auto [err, result] =
            stmt, couchbase::query_options().adhoc(false).positional_parameters("United States")


      The Couchbase query service makes use of indexes in order to do its work. Indexes replicate subsets of documents from data nodes over to index nodes, allowing specific data (for example, specific document properties) to be retrieved quickly, and to distribute load away from data nodes in MDS topologies.

      In order to make a bucket queryable, it must have at least one index defined.

      You can define a primary index on a collection. When a primary index is defined you can issue non-covered (see below) queries on the bucket as well. This includes using the META function in the queries.


      You can also define indexes over given document fields and then use those fields in the query:

      CREATE INDEX ix_name ON `travel-sample`.inventory.hotel(name);
      CREATE INDEX ix_email ON `travel-sample`.inventory.hotel(email);

      This would allow you to query the travel-sample bucket’s hotel collection regarding a document’s name or email properties, thus:

      SELECT name, email
      FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.hotel
      WHERE name="Glasgow Grand Central" OR email="grandcentralhotel@example.com";

      Indexes help improve the performance of a query. When an index includes the actual values of all the fields specified in the query, the index covers the query, and eliminates the need to fetch the actual values from the Data Service. An index, in this case, is called a covering index, and the query is called a covered query. For more information, see Covering Indexes.

      You can also create and define indexes in the SDK using:

      auto err = cluster.query_indexes().create_primary_index("users", {}).get();
      if (err) {
          fmt::println("Error creating primary index: {}", err);
      // Fore brevity, skipping error handling in the rest for the examples
      cluster.query_indexes().create_index("users", "index_name", { "name" }, {}).get();
      cluster.query_indexes().create_index("users", "index_email", { "email" }, {}).get();

      Index Building

      Creating indexes on buckets with many existing documents can take a long time. You can build indexes in the background, creating deferred indexes. The deferred indexes can be built together, rather than having to re-scan the entire bucket for each index.

      CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON `travel-sample`.inventory.hotel WITH {"defer_build": true};
      CREATE INDEX ix_name ON `travel-sample`.inventory.hotel(name) WITH {"defer_build": true};
      CREATE INDEX ix_email ON `travel-sample`.inventory.hotel(email) WITH {"defer_build": true};
      BUILD INDEX ON `travel-sample`.inventory.hotel(`#primary`, `ix_name`, `ix_email`);

      The indexes are not built until the BUILD INDEX statement is executed. At this point, the server scans all of the documents in the users bucket, and indexes it for all of the applicable indexes (in this case, those that have a name or email field).

      Building deferred indexes can also be done via the SDK:

          "users", couchbase::create_primary_query_index_options().build_deferred(true)
          { "name" },
          { "email" },
      // Build the indexes
      cluster.query_indexes().build_deferred_indexes("users", {}).get();
      // Wait for the indexes to build
          { "index_name", "index_email" },

      Note that the build step is still asynchronous, so watch_indexes is used to wait for the indexes to be completed. To watch the primary index, the watch_primary option can be set.

      Index Consistency

      Because indexes are by design outside the Data Service, they are eventually consistent with respect to changes to documents and, depending on how you issue the query, may at times not contain the most up-to-date information. This may especially be the case when deployed in a write-heavy environment: changes may take some time to propagate over to the index nodes.

      The asynchronous updating nature of Global Secondary Indexes (GSIs) means that they can be very quick to query and do not require the additional overhead of index recaclculations at the time documents are modified. SQL++ queries are forwarded to the relevant indexes, and the queries are done based on indexed information, rather than the documents as they exist in the data service.

      With default query options, the query service will rely on the current index state: the most up-to-date document versions are not retrieved, and only the indexed versions are queried. This provides the best performance. Only updates occurring with a small time frame may not yet have been indexed. For cases where consistency is more important than performance, the scan_consistency property of a query may be set to REQUEST_PLUS. ensuring that indexes are synchronized with the data service before querying.

      The following options are available:

      • not_bounded: Executes the query immediately, without requiring any consistency for the query. If index-maintenance is running behind, out-of-date results may be returned.

      • at_plus: Executes the query, requiring indexes first to be updated to the timestamp of the last update. If index-maintenance is running behind, the query waits for it to catch up.

      • request_plus: Executes the query, requiring the indexes first to be updated to the timestamp of the current query-request. If index-maintenance is running behind, the query waits for it to catch up.

      For SQL++, the default consistency is not_bounded.

      • A SQL++ query using the default NotBounded scan consistency will not wait for any indexes to finish updating before running the query and returning results, meaning that results are returned quickly, but the query will not return any documents that are yet to be indexed.

      • With scan consistency set to request_plus, all outstanding document changes and index updates are processed before the query is run. Select this when consistency is always more important than performance.

      • For a middle ground, at_plus is a "read your own write" (RYOW) option, which means it just waits for the documents that you specify to be indexed.

      For SQL++, the default consistency is not_bounded.

      Here’s how to specify the request_plus scan consistency level:

      auto [err, result] = cluster
                               "SELECT * FROM `travel-sample` LIMIT 10;",

      And the at_plus level is represented with query_options.consistent_with:

      auto [upsert_err, upsert_result] = collection.upsert("id", content).get();
      assert(!upsert_err); // Just for demo, a production app should check the result properly
      couchbase::mutation_state state;
      auto [err, result] =
        cluster.query("SELECT * FROM `travel-sample` LIMIT 10;", couchbase::query_options().consistent_with(state)).get();
      if (err) {
          fmt::println("Error: {}", err);