Include Examples and Partials

      This documentation is out of date

      Example Files

      Examples are non-AsciiDoc files that contain reusable content, such as source code or programmatic output, that is often inserted into code blocks. They’re saved in the examples directory of a module. Regardless of an example’s source module, it can be inserted into any standard page in your documentation site using the include directive and the example file’s resource ID.

      Include directive and example resource ID structure

      Partial Files

      Partials are AsciiDoc files that contain reusable snippets of content. They’re saved in the partials directory of a module. Regardless of a partial’s source module, it can be inserted into any standard page in your documentation site using the include directive and the partial file’s resource ID.

      Include directive and partial resource ID structure

      Insert an Example or a Partial

      An entire example or partial (or a portion of) is inserted into a page using the include directive and file’s resource ID. A resource ID is just like a page ID, but it has an extra coordinate, family$. The family coordinate for examples is example$ and partial$ for partials. Like the page ID in an xref, the more a page and the partial or example are related, the less coordinates you have to specify.

      Include from the same module
      Include from the same component, different modules
      Include from different components

      Insert Tagged Content from an Example or Partial

      To include a snippet of content from an example or partial (instead of the whole file), use the tag directive.

      Tagging content in a partial file
      This page discusses how to develop Couchbase applications to function in times of node or network failure.
      // tag::failover-definition[] (1) (2)
      Failover is the means by which a node is removed from the cluster and all its owned vBuckets are immediately:
      * Transferred to a replica node (if there are replica nodes)
      * Marked offline (if there are no replica nodes).
      // end::failover-definition[] (3) (4)
      1 To indicate the start of a tagged region, insert a comment line (//) in the file.
      2 Assign a unique name to the region in the tag directive, followed by a set of square brackets ([]). In this example the tag is called failover-definition.
      3 Insert a comment line where you want the tagged region to end.
      4 Assign the name of the region you want to terminate to the end directive.

      To insert a tagged region into a page, enter the resource ID and tag attribute in the include directive.

      Include a tagged region of a partial into a page in another component
      If you received this error message, you might have a failover condition.

      Code regions in example files can be tagged using the language’s comment syntax before tag and end. For example, if you tag code in a YAML file, place a hash (#) before the tag directive.

      # tag::expire[]
          expire_in: 1 week
      # end::expire[]
          - public/

      Couchbase Documentation Partials

      Developer Preview Partial

      To call out a section of a page as Developer Preview, use the developer-preview partial. Otherwise if the whole page is Developer Preview content, you can use the page-status attribute.


      Renders as:

      This is a Developer Preview feature, intended for development purposes only. Do not use this feature in production. No Enterprise Support is provided for Developer Preview features.

      Learn More