
      Configuring logging with the Columnar Java SDK.

      The Java Columnar SDK emits log messages that can help with troubleshooting.


      The Java Columnar SDK uses SLF4J, a logging façade that lets you use any logging framework that has an SLF4J binding. This includes popular Java logging frameworks like Log4j, Logback, and java.util.logging (JUL).

      To see log messages from the Couchbase SDK, add an SLF4J binding as a dependency of your project.

      SLF4J API versions

      At the time of writing, there are two different versions of the SLF4J API:

      Version 2 is the modern version of SLF4J. It is actively maintained, and recommended for most users.

      Version 1.7 is no longer maintained, but you can still use it if your preferred SLF4J binding does not support version 2.

      The Couchbase SDK is compatible with both versions of the SLF4J API. The SDK’s Maven POM has a dependency on version 1.7, but you can override this by using version 2 in your project.

      Using Log4j 2

      Log4j 2 is a popular and flexible logging framework. This section shows how to configure your project to use Log4j 2 with the Couchbase SDK.

      First, add an SLF4J binding for Log4j 2 as a dependency of your project. The following example uses the binding for SLF4J API version 2.

      • Maven

      • Gradle

      Add these as children of the dependencies element.

      <!-- If your SLF4J binding requires API version 2
           (like log4j-slf4j2-impl in this example!),
           add this dependency to your project to ensure
           Maven uses the correct SLF4J API version. -->
      An alternate way to ensure Maven uses the correct version of the SLF4J API is to declare the dependency on log4j-slf4j2-impl before the dependency on the Couchbase SDK. See the Maven documentation on Transitive Dependencies to learn more about how Maven resolves transitive dependency version conflicts.
      // Add this to the `dependencies` section:
      Gradle automatically uses the correct SLF4J API 2.x dependency required by log4j-slf4j2-impl, even though the Couchbase SDK declares a dependency on SLF4J API 1.7.

      Configuring Log4j 2 output

      Log4j 2 needs a configuration file to tell it which messages to log, where to write them, and how each message should be formatted.

      Here’s an example log4j2.xml configuration file you can use to get started. It tells Log4j 2 to log messages to the console, and sets some reasonable logging levels.

      If your project uses the Maven Standard Directory Layout, this file should live in the src/main/resources directory. This makes it available at runtime as a class path resource.
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <Configuration status="WARN">
          <Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
            <PatternLayout pattern="%d{ISO8601_OFFSET_DATE_TIME_HHCMM} %-5p [%c:%L] %m%n"/>
          <!-- Trace/debug/info messages from the Couchbase SDK's repackaged Netty
               are of little interest, unless you're debugging a network issue. -->
          <Logger name="com.couchbase.client.core.deps.io.netty" level="warn"/>
          <!-- Most messages from the Couchbase SDK are logged under
               this prefix. Change the level to "debug" to see more
               details about SDK activity, or "warn" to see less.
               In production environments, we recommend "info". -->
          <Logger name="com.couchbase" level="info"/>
          <!-- The default level for everything else. -->
          <Root level="info">
            <AppenderRef ref="Console"/>

      Consult the Log4J 2 configuration documentation for more information and advanced configuration options.

      Using java.util.logging (JUL)

      If java.util.logging (JUL) is your preferred logging framework, add the slf4j-jdk14 SLF4J binding as dependency of your project.

      • Maven

      • Gradle

      Add these as children of the dependencies element.

      <!-- If your SLF4J binding requires API version 2
           (like slf4j-jdk14 in this example!),
           add this dependency to your project to ensure
           Maven uses the correct SLF4J API version. -->
      An alternate way to ensure Maven uses the correct version of the SLF4J API is to declare the dependency on slf4j-jdk14 before the dependency on the Couchbase SDK. See the Maven documentation on Transitive Dependencies to learn more about how Maven resolves transitive dependency version conflicts.
      // Add this to your `dependencies` section:
      Gradle automatically uses the correct SLF4J API 2.x dependency required by slf4j-jdk14, even though the Couchbase SDK declares a dependency on SLF4J API 1.7.

      Configuring a JUL Logger

      By default, JUL logs INFO level and above. If you want to set it to DEBUG (or the JUL equivalent: FINE) you can do it like this programmatically:

      // Make sure to do this as soon as your application starts,
      // and before calling `Cluster.newInstance()`.
      Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("com.couchbase.client");
      for (Handler h : logger.getParent().getHandlers()) {
        if (h instanceof ConsoleHandler) {
      We do not recommend using JUL in production. Dedicated logging frameworks like Log4j 2 and Logback are more configurable, and tend to perform better than JUL.