What’s New?


      Autonomous Operator 2.7 release provides full support for Couchbase Server 7.6, and several improvements to Pod Scheduling and Networking, as well as a number of minor fixes.

      Couchbase Server 7.6

      See What’s New in Version 7.6 for full details, but the following new functionality is available in Operator 2.7, for clusters running Server 7.6:

      Delta Recovery / In-Place Upgrades

      The DeltaRecovery upgrade process added in Operator 2.6 has been replaced by InPlaceUpgrade, to better reflect the actual behavior (not every Service can be Delta Recovered), and DeltaRecovery is now deprecated.

      Server Group Improvements

      In public cloud providers, it is common for the Server Groups in use to match the Availability Zones, and for there to be a small number of them. In private data centres they are more likely to be used to represent a larger number of zones, based on racks, rows of racks, or even rooms, as well as PDUs and switches.

      To allow a more even spread of Pods over a larger range of Server Groups, we have added the shuffleServerGroups annotation.

      To take advantage of there being more Server Groups available during Pod rescheduling, we have added the rescheduleDifferentServerGroup annotation .

      See Cluster Scheduling for more details.

      Pod Rescheduling

      By applying the reschedule annotation to a Couchbase Pod, the operator will detect it and reschedule the Pod based on the currently selected upgrade process. This allows Pods to be moved before any planned maintenance is performed on the Kubernetes Worker Nodes.

      See Pod Rescheduling for more details.

      Improved Host Network Support

      When the new networking.improvedHostNetwork annotation is enabled on a cluster, the Operator will skip SAN validation and will add the underlying Kubernetes hostname a Pod is running on to the alternate addresses list.

      See Host Network for more details.

      More Granular Couchbase Server Upgrades

      Previously it was only possible to set a single Couchbase Server image for the entire CouchbaseCluster at couchbaseclusters.spec.image, triggering a cluster-wide upgrade. It is now possible to (optionally) set this at the Server Group/Server Class level, using couchbaseclusters.spec.servers.image. This overrides the Cluster-level setting, allowing per-Group/per-Class upgrades.