The Couchbase cluster management utility.
The couchbase-cli script is the main command line interface for Couchbase cluster management.
- admin-role-manage
Manage LDAP user roles.
- backup-service
Manage the backup service.
- bucket-compact
Compact a Couchbase data bucket.
- bucket-create
Create a new Couchbase data bucket.
- bucket-delete
Delete a Couchbase data bucket.
- bucket-edit
Edit a Couchbase data bucket.
- bucket-flush
Flush a Couchbase data bucket.
- bucket-list
List all Couchbase data buckets.
- cluster-edit
Edits cluster settings.
- node-to-node-encryption
Allows enabling and disabling of node-to-node encryption.
- cluster-init
Initializes a Couchbase cluster.
- ip-family
Change ip family used for node to node communication.
- collect-logs-start
Start log collection.
- collect-logs-status
Get log collection status.
- collect-logs-stop
Stop the current log collection task.
- eventing-function-setup
Manage the Eventing Service functions.
- failover
Failover a server in the cluster.
- group-manage
Manage server groups.
- host-list
Lists all hosts in the cluster.
- node-init
Initializes a node.
- rebalance
Rebalances data across nodes in a cluster.
- rebalance-status
Show the current rebalance status.
- rebalance-stop
Stops the current rebalance task.
- recovery
Recovers a previously failed over node.
- reset-admin-password
Resets the administrator password.
- reset-cipher-suites
Resets the cipher suites to the default.
- server-add
Adds a server to the cluster.
- server-info
Displays server level information and statistics.
- server-list
Lists all servers in the cluster.
- server-readd
Adds a server back to the cluster after a failover.
- setting-alert
Modifies alert settings.
- setting-audit
Modifies audit log settings.
- setting-autofailover
Modifies auto-failover settings.
- setting-autoreprovision
Modifies auto-reprovision settings.
- setting-cluster
Modifies cluster settings.
- setting-compaction
Modifies compaction settings.
- setting-index
Modifies index settings.
- setting-ldap
Modifies LDAP settings.
- setting-notification
Modifies notification settings.
- setting-password-policy
Modifies the password policy.
- setting-query
Modifies the query settings.
- setting-rebalance
Modifies the rebalance settings.
- setting-security
Modifies security policies.
- setting-xdcr
Modifies cross data center replication (XDCR) settings.
- ssl-manage
Manage SSL certificates.
- user-manage
Manage RBAC users.
- xdcr-replicate
Manages XDCR cluster references.
- xdcr-setup
Manages XDCR replications.
- setting-saslauthd
Manage saslauth settings.
- enable-developer-preview
Enable developer preview.
- collection-manage
Manage collections.
When specifying a host for the couchbase-cli command the following formats are expected:
It is recommended to use the couchbase://<addr> format for standard installations. The other two formats allow an option to take a port number which is needed for non-default installations where the admin port has been set up on a port other that 8091.
Specifies the username to use when executing the command. This environment variable allows you to specify a default argument for the -u/--username argument on the command line.
Specifies the password of the user executing the command. This environment variable allows you to specify a default argument for the -p/--password argument on the command line. It also allows the user to ensure that their password are not cached in their command line history.
Part of the couchbase-cli suite