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Request Timeout

  • concept

    The request timed out because it could not be completed in the time given in the request (or the query engine timeout, if one was specified when starting the query engine).

    curl -v http://localhost:8093/query/service \
         -d 'statement=SELECT name FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.hotel LIMIT 1
           & timeout=1ms' \
         -u Administrator:password
      "requestID": "f8f222ee-e402-4031-acf6-1f96612558c7",
      "signature": {
        "name": "json"
      "results": [],
      "errors": [
          "code": 1080,
          "msg": "Timeout 1ms exceeded",
          "retry": true
      "status": "timeout",
      "metrics": {
        "elapsedTime": "18.472145ms",
        "executionTime": "18.283746ms",
        "resultCount": 0,
        "resultSize": 0,
        "serviceLoad": 12,
        "errorCount": 1