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  • reference
    The ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement enables you to rollback a transaction.


    The ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement enables you to rollback an ACID transaction. You can rollback the entire transaction, or rollback to a previous savepoint. Refer to SQL++ Support for Couchbase Transactions for further information.

    This statement may only be used within a transaction.

    If you are using the Query REST API, you must set the txid query parameter to specify the transaction ID.

    If you are using the Query Workbench, you don’t need to specify the transaction ID, as long as the statement is part of a multi-statement request. When you start a transaction within a multi-statement request, all statements within the request are assumed to be part of the same transaction until you rollback or commit the transaction.

    Similarly, if you are using the cbq shell, you don’t need to specify the transaction ID. Once you have started a transaction, all statements within the cbq shell session are assumed to be part of the same transaction until you rollback or commit the transaction. [1]

    When you rollback the entire transaction, this statement removes all savepoints within the transaction.

    If you are using the cbq shell, and a transaction fails for any reason, you must use the ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement to remove the transaction context and reset the transaction ID.


    rollback-transaction ::= 'ROLLBACK' ( 'WORK' | 'TRAN' | 'TRANSACTION' )?
                           ( 'TO' 'SAVEPOINT' savepointname )?
    Syntax diagram: refer to source code listing

    The WORK, TRAN, and TRANSACTION keywords are synonyms. These keywords are optional; you may include one of these keywords, or omit them entirely.

    Rollback to a Savepoint

    The TO SAVEPOINT clause enables you to rollback to a specified savepoint. This clause is optional. If omitted, the entire transaction is rolled back.


    An identifier specifying a name for the savepoint.


    If you want to try these examples, first refer to Preparation to set up your environment.

    Example 1. Rollback a transaction
    -- Start the transaction
    -- Specify transaction settings
    -- Create a booking document
    UPSERT INTO `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.bookings
    VALUES("42641d7a-cde3-4a4d-bfd5-fec321510f70", {
      "date": "07/24/2021",
      "flight": "WN533",
      "flighttime": 7713,
      "price": 964.13,
      "route": "63986"
    -- Set a savepoint
    -- Update the booking document to include a user
    UPDATE `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.bookings AS b
    SET b.`user` = "0"
    WHERE META(b).id = "42641d7a-cde3-4a4d-bfd5-fec321510f70";
    -- Check the content of the booking and user
    SELECT b.*, u.name
    FROM `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.bookings b
    JOIN `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.users u
    ON b.`user` = META(u).id
    WHERE META(b).id = "42641d7a-cde3-4a4d-bfd5-fec321510f70";
    -- Set a second savepoint
    -- Update the booking documents to change the user
    UPDATE `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.bookings AS b
    SET b.`user` = "1"
    WHERE META(b).id = "42641d7a-cde3-4a4d-bfd5-fec321510f70";
    -- Check the content of the booking and user
    SELECT b.*, u.name
    FROM `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.bookings b
    JOIN `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.users u
    ON b.`user` = META(u).id
    WHERE META(b).id = "42641d7a-cde3-4a4d-bfd5-fec321510f70";
    -- Roll back the transaction to the second savepoint
    -- Check the content of the booking and user again
    SELECT b.*, u.name
    FROM `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.bookings b
    JOIN `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.users u
    ON b.`user` = META(u).id
    WHERE META(b).id = "42641d7a-cde3-4a4d-bfd5-fec321510f70";
    -- Roll back the entire transaction
        "_sequence_num": 1,
        "_sequence_query": "-- Start the transaction\nBEGIN WORK;",
        "_sequence_query_status": "success",
        "_sequence_result": [
            "txid": "d81d9b4a-b758-4f98-b007-87ba262d3a51"
        "_sequence_num": 2,
        "_sequence_query": "\n\n-- Specify transaction settings\nSET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED;",
        "_sequence_query_status": "success",
        "_sequence_result": {
          "results": []
        "_sequence_num": 3,
        "_sequence_query": "\n\n-- Create a booking document\nUPSERT INTO `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.bookings\nVALUES(\"42641d7a-cde3-4a4d-bfd5-fec321510f70\", {\n  \"date\": \"07/24/2021\",\n  \"flight\": \"WN533\",\n  \"flighttime\": 7713,\n  \"price\": 964.13,\n  \"route\": \"63986\"\n});",
        "_sequence_query_status": "success",
        "_sequence_result": {
          "results": []
        "_sequence_num": 4,
        "_sequence_query": "\n\n-- Set a savepoint\nSAVEPOINT s1;",
        "_sequence_query_status": "success",
        "_sequence_result": {
          "results": []
        "_sequence_num": 5,
        "_sequence_query": "\n\n-- Update the booking document to include a user\nUPDATE `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.bookings AS b\nSET b.`user` = \"0\"\nWHERE META(b).id = \"42641d7a-cde3-4a4d-bfd5-fec321510f70\";",
        "_sequence_query_status": "success",
        "_sequence_result": {
          "results": []
        "_sequence_num": 6,
        "_sequence_query": "\n\n-- Check the content of the booking and user\nSELECT b.*, u.name\nFROM `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.bookings b\nJOIN `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.users u\nON b.`user` = META(u).id\nWHERE META(b).id = \"42641d7a-cde3-4a4d-bfd5-fec321510f70\";",
        "_sequence_query_status": "success",
        "_sequence_result": [
            "date": "07/24/2021",
            "flight": "WN533",
            "flighttime": 7713,
            "name": "Keon Hoppe",
            "price": 964.13,
            "route": "63986",
            "user": "0" (1)
        "_sequence_num": 7,
        "_sequence_query": "\n\n-- Set a second savepoint\nSAVEPOINT s2;",
        "_sequence_query_status": "success",
        "_sequence_result": {
          "results": []
        "_sequence_num": 8,
        "_sequence_query": "\n\n-- Update the booking documents to change the user\nUPDATE `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.bookings AS b\nSET b.`user` = \"1\"\nWHERE META(b).id = \"42641d7a-cde3-4a4d-bfd5-fec321510f70\";",
        "_sequence_query_status": "success",
        "_sequence_result": {
          "results": []
        "_sequence_num": 9,
        "_sequence_query": "\n\n-- Check the content of the booking and user\nSELECT b.*, u.name\nFROM `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.bookings b\nJOIN `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.users u\nON b.`user` = META(u).id\nWHERE META(b).id = \"42641d7a-cde3-4a4d-bfd5-fec321510f70\";",
        "_sequence_query_status": "success",
        "_sequence_result": [
            "date": "07/24/2021",
            "flight": "WN533",
            "flighttime": 7713,
            "name": "Rigoberto Bernier",
            "price": 964.13,
            "route": "63986",
            "user": "1" (2)
        "_sequence_num": 10,
        "_sequence_query": "\n\n-- Roll back the transaction to the second savepoint\nROLLBACK TRAN TO SAVEPOINT s2;",
        "_sequence_query_status": "success",
        "_sequence_result": {
          "results": []
        "_sequence_num": 11,
        "_sequence_query": "\n\n-- Check the content of the booking and user again\nSELECT b.*, u.name\nFROM `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.bookings b\nJOIN `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.users u\nON b.`user` = META(u).id\nWHERE META(b).id = \"42641d7a-cde3-4a4d-bfd5-fec321510f70\";",
        "_sequence_query_status": "success",
        "_sequence_result": [
            "date": "07/24/2021",
            "flight": "WN533",
            "flighttime": 7713,
            "name": "Keon Hoppe",
            "price": 964.13,
            "route": "63986",
            "user": "0" (3)
        "_sequence_num": 12,
        "_sequence_query": "\n\n-- Roll back the entire transaction\nROLLBACK WORK;",
        "_sequence_query_status": "success",
        "_sequence_result": {
          "results": []
    1 Before setting the second savepoint, the booking document has user "0", name "Keon Hoppe".
    2 After setting the second savepoint and performing an update, the booking document has user "1", name "Rigoberto Bernier".
    3 After rolling back to the second savepoint, the booking document again has user "0", name "Keon Hoppe".
    Example 2. Check the result of Example 1

    Check the result of rolling back the transaction.

    SELECT b.*, u.name
    FROM `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.bookings b
    JOIN `travel-sample`.tenant_agent_00.users u
    ON b.`user` = META(u).id
    WHERE META(b).id = "42641d7a-cde3-4a4d-bfd5-fec321510f70";
      "results": []

    Notice the booking document no longer exists.

    1. You must be using cbq shell version 2.0 or above to use the automatic transaction ID functionality.