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Getting Bucket Information

  • reference
    Information on buckets defined on the cluster can be retrieved, by means of the REST API.

    HTTP Methods and URIs

    GET /pools/default/buckets
    GET /pools/default/buckets/<bucket-name>


    GET /pools/default/buckets retrieves information on all buckets defined on the cluster. If the <bucket-name> path-parameter is added, only information on the specified bucket is retrieved.

    Curl Syntax

    curl -X GET http://<ip-address-or-domain-name>:8091/pools/default/buckets/<bucket-name>


    Successful execution returns 200 OK, and either an object containing information on the individual bucket specified by the path-parameter; or an array of such objects, each containing information on one of the buckets defined on the cluster.

    Failure to authenticate returns 401 Unauthorized. An incorrectly specified URI returns 404 Object Not Found. If an internal error prevents successful execution, 500 Internal Server Error is returned.


    The following example returns information on a single bucket, which is testBucket. The output of the call is piped to jq, to facilitate readability.

    curl -X GET -u Administrator:password \
    http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/testBucket | jq '.'

    If successful, the call returns 200 OK, and an object such as the following. (Note that actual console-output contains an extensive array of vBucket-information: this has been omitted from this example.)

    The fields historyRetentionCollectionDefault, historyRetentionCollectionBytes, and historyRetentionCollectionSeconds are specific to Magma storage: if magma is not the value of storageBackend, these parameters are not displayed.

      "name": "testBucket",
      "nodeLocator": "vbucket",
      "bucketType": "membase",
      "storageBackend": "magma",
      "uuid": "d76bc79b761458f95d7dcf48bbe2fe92",
      "uri": "/pools/default/buckets/testBucket?bucket_uuid=d76bc79b761458f95d7dcf48bbe2fe92",
      "streamingUri": "/pools/default/bucketsStreaming/testBucket?bucket_uuid=d76bc79b761458f95d7dcf48bbe2fe92",
      "bucketCapabilitiesVer": "",
      "bucketCapabilities": [
      "collectionsManifestUid": "2",
      "vBucketServerMap": {
        "hashAlgorithm": "CRC",
        "numReplicas": 1,
        "serverList": [
        "vBucketMap": [
      "localRandomKeyUri": "/pools/default/buckets/testBucket/localRandomKey",
      "controllers": {
        "compactAll": "/pools/default/buckets/testBucket/controller/compactBucket",
        "compactDB": "/pools/default/buckets/testBucket/controller/compactDatabases",
        "purgeDeletes": "/pools/default/buckets/testBucket/controller/unsafePurgeBucket",
        "startRecovery": "/pools/default/buckets/testBucket/controller/startRecovery"
      "nodes": [
          "couchApiBaseHTTPS": "",
          "couchApiBase": "",
          "clusterMembership": "active",
          "recoveryType": "none",
          "status": "healthy",
          "otpNode": "ns_1@",
          "thisNode": true,
          "hostname": "",
          "nodeUUID": "fa173ccb5d6d48648ae79cbbd278dbb5",
          "clusterCompatibility": 458754,
          "version": "7.2.0-5127-enterprise",
          "os": "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu",
          "cpuCount": 1,
          "ports": {
            "direct": 11210,
            "httpsCAPI": 18092,
            "httpsMgmt": 18091,
            "distTCP": 21100,
            "distTLS": 21150
          "services": [
          "nodeEncryption": false,
          "addressFamilyOnly": false,
          "configuredHostname": "",
          "addressFamily": "inet",
          "externalListeners": [
              "afamily": "inet",
              "nodeEncryption": false
          "serverGroup": "Group 1",
          "replication": 0,
          "nodeHash": 47731734,
          "systemStats": {
            "cpu_utilization_rate": 11.40536280284413,
            "cpu_stolen_rate": 0,
            "swap_total": 2047864832,
            "swap_used": 1323008,
            "mem_total": 2039574528,
            "mem_free": 1229828096,
            "mem_limit": 2039574528,
            "cpu_cores_available": 1,
            "allocstall": 2
          "interestingStats": {
            "cmd_get": 0,
            "couch_docs_actual_disk_size": 34,
            "couch_docs_data_size": 0,
            "couch_spatial_data_size": 0,
            "couch_spatial_disk_size": 0,
            "couch_views_actual_disk_size": 0,
            "couch_views_data_size": 0,
            "curr_items": 0,
            "curr_items_tot": 0,
            "ep_bg_fetched": 0,
            "get_hits": 0,
            "mem_used": 60589912,
            "ops": 0,
            "vb_active_num_non_resident": 0,
            "vb_replica_curr_items": 0
          "uptime": "1170",
          "memoryTotal": 2039574528,
          "memoryFree": 1229828096,
          "mcdMemoryReserved": 1556,
          "mcdMemoryAllocated": 1556
      "stats": {
        "uri": "/pools/default/buckets/testBucket/stats",
        "directoryURI": "/pools/default/buckets/testBucket/stats/Directory",
        "nodeStatsListURI": "/pools/default/buckets/testBucket/nodes"
      "authType": "sasl",
      "autoCompactionSettings": false,
      "replicaNumber": 1,
      "threadsNumber": 3,
      "quota": {
        "ram": 1258291200,
        "rawRAM": 1258291200
      "basicStats": {
        "quotaPercentUsed": 4.815253575642903,
        "opsPerSec": 0,
        "diskFetches": 0,
        "itemCount": 0,
        "diskUsed": 34,
        "dataUsed": 0,
        "memUsed": 60589912,
        "vbActiveNumNonResident": 0
      "evictionPolicy": "fullEviction",
      "durabilityMinLevel": "none",
      "pitrEnabled": false,
      "pitrGranularity": 600,
      "pitrMaxHistoryAge": 86400,
      "storageQuotaPercentage": 50,
      "historyRetentionSeconds": 0,
      "historyRetentionBytes": 0,
      "historyRetentionCollectionDefault": true,
      "conflictResolutionType": "seqno",
      "maxTTL": 0,
      "compressionMode": "passive"

    See Also

    An overview of buckets is provided in Buckets. An introduction to scopes and collections is provided in Scopes and Collections.