Eventing Service Metrics
A list of the metrics provided by the Eventing Service.
The following Eventing Service metrics can be queried by means of the REST APIs described in Statistics.
The total number of analytics query exceptions |
The total number of Key-Value CAS mismatches |
The total number of Key-Value exceptions |
The total number of events not yet processed by eventing function |
The total number of delete events processed by worker |
The total number of delete events sent to worker to be processed by OnDelete function |
The total number of suppressed delete events |
The total number of expiry events sent to worker to be processed by OnDelete function |
The total number of insert or update events sent to worker to be processed by OnUpdate function |
The total number of suppressed inserts or updates events |
The total number of insert or update events processed by worker |
The total number of Query exceptions |
The total number of failed OnDelete calls |
The total number of successful OnDelete calls |
The total number of failed OnUpdate calls |
The total number of successful OnUpdate calls |
The total number of JavaScript executions exceeding execution timeout |
The total number of failed timer callback invocations |
The total number of undefined timer callback functions |
The total number of successful timer callback invocations |
The total number of successful CancelTimer call |
The total number of timer_create_failure due to payload exceeding timer_context_size |
The total number of successful CreateTimer call |
The total number of failed CreateTimer call |
The total number of timer callbacks processed |