Cluster Manager Metrics

      A list of the metrics provided by the Cluster Manager.

      The following Cluster Manager metrics can be queried by means of the REST APIs described in Statistics.

      • The x.y.z badge shows the Couchbase Server version the metric was added in.

      • The type / unit badge shows shows the Prometheus type and unit (if present).

      audit_queue_length     7.0.0gauge

      Current number of entries in the audit queue

      audit_unsuccessful_retries     7.0.0counter

      Failed attempts to audit

      cm_auth_cache_current_items     7.6.0gauge

      Current number of items available in cbauth auth cache

      cm_auth_cache_hit_total     7.6.0counter

      Total number of cbauth auth cache hits

      cm_auth_cache_max_items     7.6.0gauge

      Maximum capacity of cbauth auth cache

      cm_auth_cache_miss_total     7.6.0counter

      Total number of cbauth auth cache misses

      cm_auto_failover_count     7.6.2gauge

      Number of auto-failovers

      cm_auto_failover_enabled     7.6.2gauge

      Indicates if auto-failover is enabled (1 = true, 0 = false)

      cm_auto_failover_max_count     7.6.2gauge

      Maximum number of auto-failovers before being disabled

      cm_build_streaming_info_total     7.0.0counter

      Number of streaming requests processed

      cm_client_cert_cache_current_items     7.6.0gauge

      Current number of items available in cbauth client_cert cache

      cm_client_cert_cache_hit_total     7.6.0counter

      Total number of cbauth client_cert cache hits

      cm_client_cert_cache_max_items     7.6.0gauge

      Maximum capacity of cbauth client_cert cache

      cm_client_cert_cache_miss_total     7.6.0counter

      Total number of cbauth client_cert cache misses

      cm_erlang_port_count     7.6.0gauge

      The number of ports in use by the erlang VM

      cm_erlang_port_limit     7.6.0gauge

      The maximum number of ports that the erlang VM can use

      cm_erlang_process_count     7.6.0gauge

      The number of processes in use by the erlang VM

      cm_erlang_process_limit     7.6.0gauge

      The maximum number of processes that the erlang VM can use

      cm_failover_total     7.6.2counter

      Number of non-graceful failover results

      cm_gc_duration_seconds     7.6.0histogram

      Time to perform erlang garbage collection

      cm_graceful_failover_total     7.6.2counter

      Number of graceful failover results

      cm_http_requests_seconds     7.0.0histogram

      Number of bucket HTTP requests

      cm_http_requests_total     7.0.0counter

      Total number of HTTP requests categorized

      cm_is_balanced     7.6.2gauge

      Indicates if cluster is balanced (1 = true, 0 = false). Only reported by the orchestrator node and only updated once every 30 seconds

      cm_logs_total     7.1.0counter

      Total number of logs logged

      cm_memcached_call_time_seconds     7.0.0histogram

      Amount of time to call memcached

      cm_memcached_cmd_total     7.6.0gauge

      Total number of memcached commands

      cm_memcached_e2e_call_time_seconds     7.0.0histogram

      End to end memcached call times

      cm_memcached_q_call_time_seconds     7.0.0histogram / seconds

      Memcached queue call times

      cm_mru_cache_add_time_seconds     7.0.0histogram / seconds

      Time to add to MRU cache

      cm_mru_cache_flush_time_seconds     7.0.0histogram / seconds

      Time to flush MRU cache

      cm_mru_cache_lock_time_seconds     7.0.0histogram / seconds

      Time to lock MRU cache

      cm_mru_cache_lookup_time_seconds     7.0.0histogram / seconds

      Time to perform a lookup in the MRU cache

      cm_mru_cache_lookup_total     7.0.0counter

      Total number of MRU cache lookups

      cm_mru_cache_take_lock_total     7.0.0counter

      Total number of times MRU cache lock was obtained

      cm_odp_report_failed     7.0.0counter

      Number of failures to send on-demand pricing report

      cm_outgoing_http_requests_seconds     7.0.0histogram / seconds

      Time taken for outgoing HTTP requests

      cm_outgoing_http_requests_total     7.0.0counter

      Total number of outgoing HTTP requests

      cm_rebalance_in_progress     7.6.2gauge

      Indicates if a rebalance is running (1 = true, 0 = false). Only reported by the orchestrator node.

      cm_rebalance_progress     7.6.2gauge / ratio

      Estimate of the rebalance progress (0 - 1) for each stage. Only reported by the orchestrator node.

      cm_rebalance_total     7.6.2counter

      Number of rebalance results

      cm_request_hibernates_total     7.0.0counter

      Number of times requests were hibernated

      cm_request_unhibernates_total     7.0.0counter

      Number of times requests were unhibernated

      cm_rest_request_access_forbidden_total     7.6.0counter

      Number of REST requests failing due inadequate permissions

      cm_rest_request_auth_failure_total     7.6.0counter

      Number of REST requests failing authentication

      cm_rest_request_enters_total     7.0.0counter

      Number of REST requests to enter ns_server

      cm_rest_request_failure_total     7.6.0counter

      Number of REST requests failing (see specific code)

      cm_rest_request_leaves_total     7.0.0counter

      Number of REST requests to exit ns_server

      cm_status_latency_seconds     7.0.0histogram / seconds

      Latency time for status

      cm_up_cache_current_items     7.6.0gauge

      Current number of items available in cbauth up cache

      cm_up_cache_hit_total     7.6.0counter

      Total number of cbauth up cache hits

      cm_up_cache_max_items     7.6.0gauge

      Maximum capacity of cbauth up cache

      cm_up_cache_miss_total     7.6.0counter

      Total number of cbauth up cache misses

      cm_user_bkts_cache_current_items     7.6.0gauge

      Current number of items available in cbauth bkts cache

      cm_user_bkts_cache_hit_total     7.6.0counter

      Total number of cbauth bkts cache hits

      cm_user_bkts_cache_max_items     7.6.0gauge

      Maximum capacity of cbauth bkts cache

      cm_user_bkts_cache_miss_total     7.6.0counter

      Total number of cbauth bkts cache misses

      cm_uuid_cache_current_items     7.6.0gauge

      Current number of items available in cbauth uuid cache

      cm_uuid_cache_hit_total     7.6.0counter

      Total number of cbauth uuid cache hits

      cm_uuid_cache_max_items     7.6.0gauge

      Maximum capacity of cbauth uuid cache

      cm_uuid_cache_miss_total     7.6.0counter

      Total number of cbauth uuid cache misses

      cm_web_cache_hits_total     7.0.0counter

      Total number of web cache hits

      cm_web_cache_inner_hits_total     7.0.0counter

      Total number of inner web cache hits

      cm_web_cache_updates_total     7.0.0counter

      Total number of web cache updates

      couch_docs_actual_disk_size     7.0.0gauge / bytes

      Amount of disk space used by the Data Service

      couch_views_actual_disk_size     7.0.0gauge / bytes

      Amount of disk space used by Views data

      sys_allocstall     7.0.0counter

      Number of alloc stalls

      sys_cpu_burst_rate     7.2.0Deprecated in 7.6.0gauge

      Rate at which CPUs overran their quota

      sys_cpu_cgroup_seconds_total     7.2.4counter / seconds

      Number of CPU seconds utilized in the cgroup, by mode

      sys_cpu_cgroup_usage_seconds_total     7.6.0counter / seconds

      Number of 'user' and 'system' CPU seconds utilized in the cgroup

      sys_cpu_cores_available     7.0.0gauge

      Number of available CPU cores in the control group

      sys_cpu_host_cores_available     7.1.1gauge

      Number of available CPU cores in the host

      sys_cpu_host_idle_rate     7.2.4Deprecated in 7.6.0gauge

      Idle CPU utilization rate in the host

      sys_cpu_host_other_rate     7.2.4Deprecated in 7.6.0gauge

      Other (not idle/user/sys/irq/stolen) CPU utilization rate in the host

      sys_cpu_host_seconds_total     7.2.1counter / seconds

      Number of CPU seconds utilized in the host, by mode

      sys_cpu_host_sys_rate     7.1.1Deprecated in 7.6.0gauge

      System CPU utilization rate in the host

      sys_cpu_host_user_rate     7.1.1Deprecated in 7.6.0gauge

      User space CPU utilization rate in the host

      sys_cpu_host_utilization_rate     7.1.1Deprecated in 7.6.0gauge

      CPU utilization rate in the host

      sys_cpu_irq_rate     7.0.0Deprecated in 7.6.0gauge

      IRQ rate

      sys_cpu_stolen_rate     7.0.0Deprecated in 7.6.0gauge

      CPU stolen rate

      sys_cpu_sys_rate     7.0.0Deprecated in 7.6.0gauge

      System CPU utilization rate in the control group

      sys_cpu_throttled_rate     7.2.0Deprecated in 7.6.0gauge

      Rate at which CPUs were throttled

      sys_cpu_user_rate     7.0.0Deprecated in 7.6.0gauge

      User space CPU utilization rate in the control group

      sys_cpu_utilization_rate     7.0.0Deprecated in 7.6.0gauge

      CPU utilization rate in the control group

      sys_disk_queue     7.2.4gauge

      Current disk queue length of the disk

      sys_disk_queue_depth     7.2.4gauge

      Maximum disk queue length of the disk

      sys_disk_read_bytes     7.2.4counter

      Number of bytes read by the disk

      sys_disk_read_time_seconds     7.2.4counter

      Amount of time that the disk spent reading

      sys_disk_reads     7.2.4counter

      Number of reads that the disk performed

      sys_disk_time_seconds     7.2.4counter

      Amount of time that the disk spent performing IO

      sys_disk_write_bytes     7.2.4counter

      Number of bytes written by the disk

      sys_disk_write_time_seconds     7.2.4counter

      Amount of time that the disk spent writing

      sys_disk_writes     7.2.4counter

      Number of writes that the disk performed

      sys_mem_actual_free     7.0.0gauge / bytes

      Amount of system memory available, including buffers/cache

      sys_mem_actual_used     7.0.0gauge / bytes

      Amount of system memory used, excluding buffers/cache

      sys_mem_cgroup_actual_used     7.2.0gauge / bytes

      Amount of system memory used, excluding buffers/cache, in the control group

      sys_mem_cgroup_limit     7.2.0gauge / bytes

      System memory limit, in the control group

      sys_mem_cgroup_used     7.2.0gauge / bytes

      Amount of system memory used, including buffers/cache, in the control group

      sys_mem_free     7.0.0gauge / bytes

      Amount of system memory free, excluding buffers/cache

      sys_mem_limit     7.0.0Deprecated in 7.6.0gauge / bytes

      System memory limit

      sys_mem_total     7.0.0gauge / bytes

      Total amount of system memory

      sys_mem_used_sys     7.0.0gauge / bytes

      Amount of system memory used, including buffers/cache

      sys_pressure_share_time_stalled     7.2.4gauge

      Percentage of time that tasks were stalled on a given resource

      sys_pressure_total_stall_time_usec     7.2.4counter / microseconds

      Absolute stall time when tasks were stalled on a given resource

      sys_swap_total     7.0.0gauge / bytes

      Total amount of swap space

      sys_swap_used     7.0.0gauge / bytes

      Amount of swap space used

      sysproc_cpu_seconds_total     7.2.4counter

      Amount of user CPU cycles used, by process

      sysproc_cpu_utilization     7.0.0Deprecated in 7.6.0gauge

      CPU utilization rate, by process

      sysproc_major_faults_raw     7.0.0counter

      Number of major page faults, by process

      sysproc_mem_resident     7.0.0gauge / bytes

      Amount of resident memory used, by process

      sysproc_mem_share     7.0.0gauge / bytes

      Amount of shared memory used, by process

      sysproc_mem_size     7.0.0gauge / bytes

      Amount of memory used, by process

      sysproc_minor_faults_raw     7.0.0gauge

      Number of minor page faults, by process

      sysproc_page_faults_raw     7.0.0gauge

      Number of page faults, by process

      sysproc_start_time     7.2.4counter

      OS specific time when process was started