Download and API Reference

  • concept
    All production-ready Couchbase Spark connector artifacts are downloadable through Maven Central. Prerelease versions are available through our Couchbase Maven repository for easy consumption.

    Current Release 3.5.1

    From its 3.5.0 release, the connector supports both Scala 2.12 and Scala 2.13. The coordinates for the artifacts are:

    Scala 2.12:
    • GroupId: com.couchbase.client

    • ArtifactId: spark-connector_2.12

    • Version: 3.5.1

    Scala 2.13:
    • GroupId: com.couchbase.client

    • ArtifactId: spark-connector_2.13

    • Version: 3.5.1

    If you are using Scala, here is the snippet you can use:

    libraryDependencies += "com.couchbase.client" %% "spark-connector" % "3.5.1"

    This can also be used in a Java application and imported with Maven or Gradle.

    It can also be downloaded manually here: Download (Scala 2.12 / Java) | Download (Scala 2.13 / Java) | API Reference

    Note that the download also contains an assembled jar, which means they contain all the dependencies in one "fat jar". This means that you don’t need to juggle multiple dependencies if you want to use the jar as part of Spark’s command line access tools (like the shell) or add it to the classpath of workers.