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Legacy Pre-3.0 Configuration

    • Legacy Content

      Configuring Sync Gateway Pre-3.0 to provide secure cloud-to-edge synchronization of enterprise data using the standard, static, configuration file.

      Legacy Configuration
      You cannot use collections in Sync Gateway’s legacy Pre-3.0 configuration method. For current configuration details, see: Configuration Overview and-or Bootstrap Configuration.


      This page describes Sync Gateway’s legacy Pre-3.0 configuration method. It uses a centralized configuration file to hold all configuration settings in JSON form — see:the schema for the file contents.

      Persistent Configuration is enabled by default from 3.0.

      To continue using legacy Pre-3.0 configuration you should start sync gateway with disable-persistent-config set true either in the configuration file or in Command Line Options.

      Many configuration settings can be changed using the Admin REST API but these are not persisted beyond a Sync Gateway restart. To make persistent changes you must edit the central Configuration Properties file — or switch to the 3.x persistent configuration — see: Configuration Overview

      File Format

      The Configuration Properties file defines sync gateway’s runtime behavior. Its contents include, for example:

      • Details of the connected Couchbase databases

      • How replications are conducted

      • What security is to be used

      • What logging options are to be applied, and

      • Any customization of import filtering and synchronization.

      The majority of the configuration is achieved using standard JSON syntax — see the schema for more.

      The sync-gateway-config.json file relies on the use of one relaxed JSON feature; the use of back ticks (`). Text between back ticks is treated as a string. It can span multiple lines and contain double-quotes. Those features make it ideal for the incorporation of inline JavaScript, which can be used to provision, for example, sync and import_filter functions.


      Use the following command to run Sync Gateway with a configuration file:

      Run Sync Gateway
      sync_gateway -disable_persistent_config sync-gateway-config.json

      See also — Command Line Options



        "logging": {
          "log_file_path": "/var/tmp/sglogs",
          "console": {
            "log_level": "debug",
            "log_keys": ["*"]
          "error": {
            "enabled": true,
            "rotation": {
              "max_size": 20,
              "max_age": 180
          "warn": {
            "enabled": true,
            "rotation": {
              "max_size": 20,
              "max_age": 90
          "info": {
            "enabled": false
          "debug": {
            "enabled": false
        "databases": {
             "db1-local": {
                  "import_docs": true,
                  "server": "couchbase://cb-server",
                  "delta_sync": {
                    "enabled": true
                  "import_filter": `
                    function(doc) {
                      return true;
                  "username": "admin",
                  "password": "password",
                      "admin": {"password": "password", "admin_channels": ["*"]},
                      "user1": {"password": "password", "admin_channels":["channel.user1"]}
                     "db1-rep-id1" : {
                         "direction": "pushAndPull",
                            function(conflict) {
                                if (  (conflict.LocalDocument.type != null) &&
                                      (conflict.RemoteDocument.type != null) &&
                                      (conflict.LocalDocument.type == "usedefault"))
                                    console.log("Will use default policy");
                                    // Resolve using built-in policy
                                    return defaultPolicy(conflict);
                                  // Merge local and remote docs
                                  var remoteDoc = conflict.RemoteDocument;
                                  console.log("full remoteDoc doc: "+JSON.stringify(remoteDoc));
                                  var localDoc = conflict.LocalDocument;
                                  console.log("full localDoc doc: "+JSON.stringify(localDoc));
                                  var mergedDoc = extend({}, localDoc, remoteDoc);
                                  delete mergedDoc._rev (1)
                                  console.log("full mergedDoc doc: "+JSON.stringify(mergedDoc));
                                  // Resolve using this merged doc as the winner
                                  return mergedDoc;
                                  function extend(target) {
                                      var sources = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
                                      sources.forEach(function (source) {
                                          for (var prop in source) {
                                            if (prop.indexOf('_') != 0) { (2)
                                              target[prop] = source[prop];
                                      return target;
                                  } // end function extend()
                                } // end if
                            }` // end function()
                          , // end custom_conflict_resolver
                         "remote": "http://user1:password@example.com:4984/db1-remote",
                         "query_params": {
                         "enable_delta_sync":  true,
                          "batch_size" :1000,
                          "continuous": true,
                          "state": "running"
                "sync": `
            function sync(doc, oldDoc) {
              /* sanity check */
              // check if document was removed from server or via SDK
              // In this case, just return
              if (isRemoved()) {
              /* Routing */
              // Add doc to the user's channel.
              // This is when document is removed via SDK or directly on server
              function isRemoved() {
                return( isDelete() && oldDoc == null);
              function isDelete() {
                return (doc._deleted == true);
          "db2-local": {
            "import_docs": true,
            "server": "couchbase://cb-server",
            "delta_sync": {
              "enabled": true
            "import_filter": `
              function(doc) {
                return true;
            "username": "admin",
            "password": "password",
              "admin": {"password": "password", "admin_channels": ["*"]},
              "user1": {"password": "password", "admin_channels":["channel.user1"]}
              "db2-rep-id1-pull" : {
                "direction": "pull",
                "remote": "http://user1:password@example2.com:4984/db2-remote",
                "query_params": {
                "enable_delta_sync":  true,
                "batch_size" :1000,
                "continuous": true,
                "state": "stopped"
                "sync": `
                function sync(doc, oldDoc) {
                  // . . . code as required