Create an App Service

  • Capella Operational
      Using the Capella UI, you can create an App Service for your mobile apps to connect to.

      App Services are available on AWS, GCP, and Azure, in supported regions.


      The cluster connected to the App Service:

      • MUST have Data, Index, and Query services running.

      • Must NOT yet have an App Service linked to it.

      • Must NOT have XDCR with another Cluster.

      You may subsequently enable XDCR on clusters linked with App Services, as long as:

      • You are setting up unidirectional XDCR between the clusters.

      • The other cluster does not have App Services linked to it.

      Create an App Service with Basic Settings

      To create an App Service with default deployment configuration:

      1. From the project page, select the App Services tab.

      2. Click the Create App Service button.

        The Create App Service options
      3. Enter a name for the App Service.

      4. Choose the cluster you want to connect to.

      5. Click the Create App Service button to instantiate the service.

      Azure App Services deployments can take an average of 15-20 minutes. Deployments on AWS and GCP will take around 5 minutes.

      Deployment Configuration

      The provided default should be fine to get you started for development. According to your requirements, you may customize the following parameters:

      App Service Nodes

      Select the number of nodes, between 1 and 12; default 2.


      Choose the size of each node. The options offered vary depending on which cloud service you have chosen for the cluster.

      You can scale an application after it is deployed by changing its configuration. For more information, see Scale a Deployed App Service.

      If you want to connect App Services to a Single Node cluster, you can choose to deploy App Services on a single node.

      Single Node App Services only support the following Compute configurations:

      • 2vCPU with 4 GB RAM

      • 4vCPU with 8 GB RAM

      You cannot scale a Single Node App Service to add more nodes later.

      Service Cluster Size Implications

      When linking App Services to a cluster, bear in mind that an App Service generates some additional sync-related metadata documents during the normal course of its operation. The metadata is stored in the backing server bucket.

      In addition to this, when linking App Services to a cluster, documents that have been deleted ("tombstoned" documents) remain in the bucket for a period of 60 days following the deletion. This provides the opportunity for disconnected clients to sync down deleted documents via App Services when they come back online anytime within the 60-day partition window.

      Linked Cluster Plan

      When deploying a new App Service, you are given confirmation of the plan selected for the linked cluster. The plan associated with App Services is the same as that of the linked cluster.

      app service plan

      The summary shows the services costs broken down between the cluster linked to the App Service and the App Service itself.

      The total cost of the deployment is also shown.

      See Also

      Learn more about Billing of App Services.