Upgrade Your Account

  • Capella Operational
  • how-to
    Add an Activation ID to upgrade from a free tier plan and access all Couchbase Capella features for operational clusters.

    To upgrade from a free tier plan to a paid plan in Capella, you need to add an Activation ID to your organization.

    Get an Activation ID

    If you don’t have an Activation ID, contact us.

    To contact us:

    1. Click the Couchbase Capella logo to return to your organization.

    2. Go to Settings  Upgrade.

    3. Click Contact Sales.

    4. In the Contact Us form, enter the following information:

      1. Your First Name.

      2. Your Last Name.

      3. Your Email Address.

      4. Your Company Name.

      5. Your Preferred method of contact.

      6. Your Activation ID request.

    5. Click Submit.

    Add an Activation ID

    When you add an Activation ID, the Payment and Usage pages show your billing information based on your payment plan.

    To add an Activation ID to your organization:

    1. Click the Couchbase Capella logo to return to your organization.

    2. Go to Settings  Upgrade.

    3. In the Activation ID field, enter your Activation ID from Couchbase Sales.

    4. Click Upgrade My Account.

    Transitioning from a Free Tier Plan

    Capella allows only one free tier operational cluster per organization at any time.

    When you upgrade to a paid plan, Couchbase deletes your old free tier operational cluster.

    With your paid plan, you can choose to deploy another free tier operational cluster alongside your paid operational clusters.

    To back-up and transfer your data from the old free tier operational cluster to a new free tier or paid operational cluster, you must use the cbbackupmgr tool. For more information about using the cbbackupmgr tool, see Backup a Free Tier Capella Operational Cluster.

    Next Steps

    • If you need to purchase Couchbase Cloud Credits for your organization, contact Couchbase Sales.

      • If you chose to pay on-demand for credits, you can start using a cluster right away.

      • If you chose to pay up-front for credits, your credits must be deposited into your account before you can use a cluster.

    • If you still need to deploy a cluster, see Create A Paid Cluster.