Manage Projects

  • Capella Operational
      Create and manage projects to organize and allow access to Couchbase clusters.

      The purpose of a project is to organize and manage access to groups of Couchbase clusters. For more information about projects, refer to Projects Overview.

      Accessing Projects in the Capella UI

      Projects can be viewed and managed from the Projects tab in the main navigation. A summary of all projects — of which you are a member — is displayed in table format.

      Users with the Organization Owner organization role automatically have a Project Owner role for all projects in their organization, so they will see all the organization’s projects listed in the project summary.

      If your user has the Organization Owner or Project Creator organization roles, you will see an option to create a project.

      Projects Summary

      The Projects tab shows a summary of all the projects in the organization where you are a member. The summary is a table format, with a sortable name column and a row for each project.

      The project summary displays the following fields for each project:

      Field Description


      The name of the project.

      Created By

      The name of the user who created the project.

      Date Created

      The date the project was created.


      The number of clusters in the project.

      App Services

      The number of app services that the project is running.


      The number of users who can access the project.

      Create a Project

      To create a project, you must have either the Organization Owner or Project Creator organization roles.

      1. From the project lists page click Create Project, which will open a dialog box for you to enter the project details.

      2. Provide a name for the project.

        In the Project Name field, enter a name for your project.

      3. Click Create a Project.

        The fly-out menu will close, and you will return to the project summary page.

      4. Open the new project by clicking on its name.

        Since there are not yet any clusters in the new project, you will see an option to create a cluster.

      Rename a Project

      To change the name of a project, you need the Project Owner role for the project in question.

      Users with the Organization Owner organization role automatically have a Project Owner role for all projects in the organization, so they can also rename a project.
      1. From the Projects tab, find the project you wish to rename and click its name.

        This opens the project settings.

      2. Click on the Settings tab.

        This displays an information page where you can edit the project name.

      3. Change the Project Name field.

      4. Click Save.

        A notification confirms that the project is renamed.

      Delete a Project

      Deleting a project is a permanent action and cannot be reversed.


      • You have the Project Owner role for the project in question. Note that users with the Organization Owner organization role automatically have a Project Owner role for all projects in the organization, so they can also delete projects.

      • You have deleted all clusters in the project. Capella does not allow the deletion of a project if it contains clusters.


      1. From the project list, select the project you want to delete.

      2. Click on the Settings tab.

        This opens the project settings page.

      3. Click Delete Project.

        A notification is displayed, asking for confirmation that the project is to deleted.

      4. Type delete into the confirmation field.

      5. Click Delete Project.