Set a Search Index Type Identifier

  • Capella Operational
  • how-to
    Use a type identifier with a type mapping to add an extra filter to the documents you want to include in a Search index.

    For more information about type identifiers and type mappings, see Search Index Features.


    • You have the Search Service enabled on a node in your cluster. For more information about how to change Services on your cluster, see Modify a Paid Cluster.

    • You have a bucket with scopes and collections in your cluster. For more information, see Manage Buckets.

    • You have started to create or already created an index in Advanced Mode.

    • You have created at least one type mapping in your Search index. For more information, see Create a Type Mapping in Advanced Mode.

    • You have logged in to the Couchbase Capella UI.


    To set a type identifier for a Search index with the Capella UI:

    1. On the Operational Clusters page, select the cluster that has the Search index you want to edit.

    2. Go to Data Tools  Search.

    3. Click the index where you want to create a type identifier.

    4. Expand General Settings.

    5. Do one of the following:

    Create a JSON Type Field Type Identifier

    To only add documents to your Search index that contain a specific field with a specified string value:

    1. Click the JSON Type Field tab.

    2. In the JSON Type Field field, enter the name of the field in your documents that you want to use to filter documents in your Search index.

      For example, if your documents include a type field, you could enter type in the JSON Type Field field.

      You cannot use a field as a type identifier if the field name contains a period (.).
    3. Under Type Mappings, next to the type mapping where you want to add the type identifier, go to More Options (⋮)  Edit.

    4. In the Name field, add a period (.) to the end of the current type mapping name.

    5. After the period, add the exact string from the document field that you want to use as a filter.

      For example, if you wanted your Search index to only return documents that had a type value of hotel, you could enter hotel.

    6. Click Submit.

    7. Click Update Index.

    Create a Doc ID Up To Separator Type Identifier

    To only add documents to your Search index that have IDs that match a specified prefix:

    1. Click the Doc ID up to Separator tab.

    2. In the Doc ID up to Separator field, enter the separator character from the ID prefix in your document ID values.

      For example, if you know all of your document ID values are prefixed by a string and an underscore (_), enter _.

    3. Under Type Mappings, next to the type mapping where you want to add the type identifier, go to More Options (⋮)  Edit.

    4. In the Name field, add a period (.) to the end of the current type mapping name.

    5. After the period, add the exact prefix from the document’s ID value that you want to use as a filter.

      For example, if you wanted your Search index to only return documents that have an prefix of landmark_, you could enter landmark.

    6. Click Submit.

    7. Click Update Index.

    Create a Doc ID with Regex Type Identifier

    To only add documents to your Search index that have IDs that match a specified RE2 regular expression:

    1. Click the Doc ID with Regex tab.

    2. In the Doc ID with Regex field, enter the regular expression that you want to use to filter documents in your Search index.

      For example, if you wanted documents with ID values that contained _40, you could enter _[3-5]0 as your regular expression.

    3. Under Type Mappings, next to the type mapping where you want to add the type identifier, go to More Options (⋮)  Edit.

    4. In the Name field, add a period (.) to the end of the current type mapping name.

    5. After the period, add a match for the regular expression from the document’s ID value that you want to use as a filter.

      For example, if you wanted your Search index to only return documents with ID values that contained _40, you could enter _40.

    6. Click Submit.

    7. Click Update Index.