Assign Roles for UI Access

  • Capella Columnar
  • how-to
    Your level of access to the Capella UI is controlled using organization and project roles.

    To interact with Capella Columnar using the Capella UI, you need an organization role and one or more project roles.


    • You need to be the Organization Owner to invite new users to your organization and assign organization roles.

    • To add collaborators to a project and assign project roles, you need to be a Project Owner for that project. If you’re the Organization Owner, you already have this role.

    Assign Organization and Project Roles

    To assign organization and project roles, complete the following steps:

    Organization Roles and Columnar

    Every user account in Couchbase Capella has an organization role that determines their privileges when working with the Capella UI at the organization level. For example, a user who’s an Organization Member cannot view any of the billing information inside the Capella UI, while an Organization Owner can.

    Organization roles can control your level of access to both Columnar and operational resources in an organization. A user with the Organization Owner role automatically has Project Owner privileges and is a collaborator for all projects in the organization. A user with the Project Creator role automatically has Project Owner privileges and is a collaborator for all projects they create. You can only view and work with projects where you’re a collaborator.

    Project Roles and Columnar

    Project roles are separate from organization roles, which grant overall privileges to Couchbase Capella. Project roles apply only at the project level and control your privileges in a project where you’re a collaborator.

    Project roles control your level of access to both Columnar and operational resources in a project.

    The following table describes the available project roles and their privileges as they apply to Capella Columnar. To see project roles as they apply to Capella operational, see Project Roles.

    Table 1. Project roles in Columnar
    Role Description

    Project Owner

    Provides complete Columnar cluster-management access. Users with this role can access data in any Columnar cluster in a project using the UI.

    A Project Owner has the following privileges when working with Capella Columnar:

    • Create and manage Columnar clusters

      • Edit Columnar cluster configurations and settings

      • Create and manage Columnar links

      • Create, manage, and restore backups

      • Create and manage private endpoints

      • Create and manage vpc-peering

      • Turn Columnar clusters on or off

      • View and configure cluster monitoring

      • Configure allowed IP addresses

    • Read and write data within any cluster in the project

    A user with the Organization Owner role automatically has Project Owner privileges for all projects in the organization.

    Project Manager

    Provides access to management actions for all Columnar clusters in a project. This role does not provide access to data.

    A Project Manager has the following privileges when working with Capella Columnar:

    • Create and manage Columnar clusters

      • Edit Columnar cluster configurations and settings

      • Create and manage Columnar links

      • Turn Columnar clusters on or off

      • View and configure cluster monitoring

      • Configure allowed IP addresses

    Project Viewer

    Provides read-only access to view all Columnar clusters in a project where you’re a collaborator. This role does not provide access to data.

    A Project Viewer has the following privileges for a project where you’re a collaborator:

    • View all Columnar clusters in the project

      • View Columnar configuration details and settings

      • View allowed IP addresses

      • View access control accounts and roles

      • View Columnar links

      • View cluster monitoring

      • Configure allowed IP addresses

    Database Data Reader

    Provides read-only access to view data in any Columnar cluster in a project where you’re a collaborator. This role allows the use of the Workbench to read data, but it cannot modify or write data.

    A Database Data Reader has the following privileges for a project where you’re a collaborator:

    • Read data within any Columnar cluster in the project

    Database Data Reader/Writer

    Provides read and write access to data in any Columnar cluster in a project where you’re a collaborator. This role allows the use of the Workbench to read and write data.

    A Database Data Reader/Writer has the following privileges for a project where you’re a collaborator:

    • Read and write data within any cluster in the project

    Next Steps