Manage Capella Columnar Services Scopes

  • Capella Columnar
  • how-to
    Scopes are intermediary containers within a database to group related objects like collections, indexes, links, and functions. You can add or delete scopes using the UI or SQL++ for Capella Columnar statements.


    To use the Capella Columnar UI to manage scopes, you need one of the following Capella roles:

    Create a Scope

    To create a scope:

    1. In the Capella UI, select the Columnar tab.

    2. Click a cluster name. The workbench opens.

    3. Use the explorer to locate the database where you want to add the scope.

    4. Move your cursor over the name of the database and then choose ⋮ (More)  Add Scope. The Configure New Scope dialog opens.

    5. Enter a name for your scope. The name must start with a letter and contain only upper- and lower-case letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), or underscore (_) and dash (-) characters. See Requirements for Identifiers.

    6. Click Create. Your scope appears under the database in the explorer.

    You can also use an SQL++ for Capella columnar statement to create a scope. See CREATE SCOPE Statements.

    View Metadata for a Scope

    Each time you add a scope, Capella Columnar records its metadata in the System.Metadata.Dataverse collection. To view metadata for a scope, you query this collection. See Querying Metadata.

    Delete a Scope

    When you delete a scope, Capella Columnar deletes all of the collections and other objects in that scope.

    You cannot delete the system-supplied Default scope.
    1. In the Capella UI, select the Columnar tab.

    2. Click a cluster name. The workbench opens.

    3. Move your cursor over the name of the scope and then choose ⋮ (More)  Delete Scope. The Delete Scope dialog opens.

    4. To confirm this action, type delete and then click Delete.

    You can also use an SQL++ for Capella columnar statement to delete a scope. See DROP Statements.