CREATE Statements

  • Capella Columnar
  • reference
    This topic introduces how you use CREATE statements to create different Capella Columnar objects.

    You can use CREATE statements to create the following Capella Columnar objects:

    To create links to remote or external data sources, you use the Capella Columnar UI. See Stream Data from Remote Sources or Set Up an External Data Source.

    CREATE statements cannot execute while the cluster is in a scaling state. The evaluation of such DDL statements fails. You can reattempt the action after scaling is complete.


    CreateStmnt EBNF
    CreateStmnt ::= CreateDatabase
                  | CreateScope
                  | CreateCollection
                  | CreateSynonym
                  | CreateIndex
                  | CreateFunction
                  | CreateView
                  | CreateTabularView
    CreateStmnt Diagram
    CreateDatabase | CreateScope | CreateCollection | CreateSynonym | CreateIndex | CreateFunction | CreateView | CreateTabularView