SQL++ for Capella Columnar

  • Capella Columnar
  • reference
    Capella Columnar extends the grammar, statements, and capabilities of SQL++ for Analytics used with the Analytics Service in Couchbase Server and Capella. This guide is a reference to the full syntax and semantics of the SQL++ query language that you use with Capella Columnar services.

    SQL++ for Capella columnar is a Couchbase implementation, focused on parallel data analysis, of a SQL-for-JSON query language specification called SQL++.

    SQL++ for Capella columnar is similar to SQL. The differences between the languages are due to the differences in the data models that each language is designed to serve. SQL interacts with the flat, schematic world of relational databases, while SQL++ for Capella columnar interacts with the nested, schema-less or schema-optional world of NoSQL systems like Capella Columnar. SQL++ for Capella columnar is designed to work with the JSON data model.

    Grammar-guided explanations, diagrams, and examples of the SQL++ for Capella columnar language follow.

    For an introduction to SQL++, on which SQL++ for Capella columnar is based, see SQL++ For SQL Users: A Tutorial by Don Chamberlin.


    This reference includes descriptions of features that extend SQL++ specifically for use with Capella Columnar. These features include: