• Capella Columnar
  • reference
    This topic describes how you can get information about a link with a DESCRIBE LINK statement.

    You can use a DESCRIBE LINK statement to get information about either a remote or an external link.

    To create a remote or external link, or to associate a Capella Columnar collection with a link, you must use the Capella Columnar UI. See Stream Data from Remote Sources or Set Up an External Data Source.


    DescribeLinkStmt EBNF
    DescribeLink ::= "DESCRIBE" "LINK" LinkName
    DescribeLinkStmt Diagram
    "DESCRIBE" "LINK" LinkName


    This example requests information about the remote capellaLink link that you set up between your Capella Columnar cluster and a Capella operational database. As a prerequisite for running this example yourself, follow the add sample data procedures to add remote collections to Capella Columnar.

      DESCRIBE LINK capellaLink;

    Results in:

        "bootstrapHostname": "cb.<HOST_NAME>.com",
        "username": "alison",
        "password": "<redacted sensitive entry>",
        "encryption": "full",
        "certificates": [
        "uuid": "5ddea2d48e57a32b09a48c61ea1b32e4",
        "activeHostname": "svc-<HOST_NAME>.com:18091",
        "nodes": [
            "hostname": "svc-<HOST_NAME>.com",
            "services": {
              "kv": 11210,
              "kvSSL": 11207,
              "mgmt": 8091,
              "mgmtSSL": 18091
            "hostname": "svc-<HOST_NAME>.com",
            "services": {
              "kv": 11210,
              "kvSSL": 11207,
              "mgmt": 8091,
              "mgmtSSL": 18091
            "hostname": "svc-<HOST_NAME>.com",
            "services": {
              "kv": 11210,
              "kvSSL": 11207,
              "mgmt": 8091,
              "mgmtSSL": 18091
        "bootstrapAlternateAddress": false,
        "clusterCompatibility": 458758,
        "httpsOpts": {
          "verifyPeer": true,
          "verifyHostname": true
        "trustedCAsURIVersion": 22329081,
        "preventRedirects": true,
        "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDFT<CERTIFICATE_DETAILS>ivA==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
        "name": "capellaLink",
        "database": null,
        "type": "couchbase"
    Show an additional example

    This example requests information about an external musicLink link set up between a Capella Columnar cluster and Amazon S3.

      DESCRIBE LINK musicLink;

    Results in:

        "instanceProfile": null,
        "accessKeyId": null,
        "secretAccessKey": null,
        "sessionToken": null,
        "region": "us-east-1",
        "serviceEndpoint": null,
        "name": "musicLink",
        "database": null,
        "type": "s3"