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Deleting a Replication

  • reference
    To delete an XDCR replication, use the DELETE /controller/cancelXDCR HTTP method and URI.


    When a replication is deleted, replication of data from the source to the target cluster is stopped. For replication of data to be resumed, a new replication must be created.

    The Full Admin, Cluster Admin, or XDCR Admin role is required.

    HTTP method and URI

    DELETE /controller/cancelXDCR/<replication_id>

    The replication_id must take the form [UUID]/[local-bucket-name]/[remote-bucket-name], and must be URL-encoded. Note that it can be obtained, in encoded format, by means of the GET method and /pools/default/tasks endpoint, applied to the source cluster: in the output, the encoded id is provided as the value of the cancelURI key. See Getting Cluster Tasks.

    Curl Syntax

    curl -v -X DELETE -u <username>:<password>


    Success returns 200 OK and an empty array.

    Failure to specify the replication_id correctly returns 400 Bad Request and the following error message: {"errors":{"_":"requested resource not found"}}. Failure to authenticate returns 401 Unauthorized.


    In the following example, the existing replication from source bucket travel-sample to target bucket ts is deleted.

    curl -v -X DELETE http://localhost:8091/controller/cancelXDCR/2b5dcd1b0101a9d52f31a802d8c4231e%2Ftravel-sample%2Fts
    -u Administrator:password

    If deletion succeeds, an empty array is returned:


    See Also

    A complete overview of XDCR is provided in Cross Data Center Replication (XDCR). Further examples of reference deletion — by means of UI, CLI, and REST API — are provided in Delete a Replication. Information on retrieving the uuid for a defined reference is provided in Getting Cluster Tasks.