Get Backup Task History



      This HTTP method and URI return an array containing the entire task history for the repository specified by the REPO_NAME path-parameter.

      The optional TASK_SUBSET_PARAMETERS let you select a subset of the tasks that you want the method to return.

      HTTP Methods and URIs

      GET /api/v1/cluster/self/repository/{REPO_STATUS}/{REPO_NAME}/taskHistory
      GET /api/v1/cluster/self/repository/{REPO_STATUS}/{REPO_NAME}/taskHistory?{TASK_SUBSET_PARAMETERS}
      These URIs are only available from the Backup Service port (8097 by default) on nodes running the Backup Service.
      Table 1. Path Parameters
      Name Description Schema


      The status of the backup repository.

      Must be one of:

      • active

      • imported

      • archived


      The name of the repository



      One or more optional query parameters that filter the list of tasks this method returns.

      Task Subset Parameter String

      Task Subset Parameter String

      You can filter the list of tasks this method returns using the optional task subset specification query string. You can supply one or more of the following parameters:

      Table 2. Task Subset Query String Parameters
      Name Description Value


      Only returns tasks that started after the supplied date.

      A datetime string in RFC-3339 format


      The number of most recent tasks to return.



      Only returns tasks whose name exactly matches TASK_NAME including case. Use this option to filter when multiple tasks are writing to the same repository.


      Curl Syntax

      curl -X GET http://$BACKUP_SERVICE_NODE:$BACKUP_SERVICE_PORT/cluster/self\
           /repository/$REPO_STATUS/$REPOSITORY_NAME/taskHistory \
           -u $USERNAME:$PASSWORD
      curl -G -X GET http://$BACKUP_SERVICE_NODE:$BACKUP_SERVICE_PORT/cluster/self\
           [-d 'first=$DATE'] [-d 'limit=$COUNT'] [-d 'taskName=$TASK_NAME']
           -u $USERNAME:$PASSWORD

      Required Permissions

      Full Admin, Backup Full Admin, or Read-Only Admin roles.


      Value Description

      200 OK and JSON array containing the tasks

      Successful call.


      Invalid parameter.

      400 Object Not found

      The repository in the endpoint URI does not exist.

      401 Unauthorized

      Authorization failure due to incorrect username or password.

      403 Forbidden, plus a JSON message explaining the minimum permissions.

      The provided username has insufficient privileges to call this method.

      404 Object Not Found

      Error in the URI path.

      500 Internal Server Error

      Error in Couchbase Server.


      The following examples assume you are running the curl command from a node that is running the Backup Service.

      The following call returns the entire task history for the active repository quarterHourBackups:

      curl -v -X GET\
           repository/active/quarterHourBackups/taskHistory \
           -u Administrator:password

      If the call is successful, the first part of the potentially extensive output may appear as follows:

          "task_name": "fifteenMinuteBackup",
          "status": "done",
          "start": "2020-09-29T13:10:58.100371+01:00",
          "end": "2020-09-29T13:10:58.52634+01:00",
          "node_runs": [
              "node_id": "1208b19a4d30e0b4c6af96b6448b4969",
              "status": "done",
              "start": "2020-09-29T13:10:58.124693+01:00",
              "end": "2020-09-29T13:10:58.507413+01:00",
              "progress": 100,
              "stats": {
                "id": "e1d0199c-3d00-4afc-8275-b65e4e8fead4",
                "current_transfer": 1,
                "total_transfers": 1,
                "transfers": [
                    "description": "Backing up to 2020-09-29T13_10_58.191631+01_00",
                    "stats": {
                      "buckets": {
                        "travel-sample": {
                          "estimated_total_items": 124,
                          "total_items": 31592,
                          "total_vbuckets": 64,
                          "vbuckets_complete": 64,
                          "bytes_received": 6312,
                          "snapshot_markers_received": 62,
                          "snapshot_ends_received": 64,
                          "failover_logs_received": 64,
                          "complete": true,
                          "errored": false
                      "complete": true
                    "progress": 100,
                    "eta": "2020-09-29T13:10:58.495359+01:00"
                "progress": 100,
                "eta": "2020-09-29T13:10:58.495359+01:00"
              "error_code": 0
          "error_code": 0,
          "type": "BACKUP"
          "task_name": "fifteenMinuteBackup",
          "status": "done",
          "start": "2020-09-29T12:55:57.793738+01:00",
          "end": "2020-09-29T12:55:58.905212+01:00",

      The array includes objects for specific runs of the task fifteenMinuteBackup. Each object incudes the start and end time of the task; and lists specific node_runs, with details on buckets whose data was backed up.

      The following example demonstrates using the first and limit query parameters to limit the results to two tasks that started after 14:24:22 on May 5th, 2024 GMT.

      curl -G -s -X GET \
           -d 'first=2024-05-06T14:24:22Z'
           -d 'limit=2'
           -u Administrator:password | jq

      A successful call returns a task list resembling the following:

          "task_name": "fifteenMinuteBackup",
          "status": "done",
          "start": "2024-05-06T17:24:22.471826882Z",
          "end": "2024-05-06T17:24:28.901488385Z",
          "node_runs": [
              "node_id": "1a41682a59f40d3932d2cf7b131a2312",
              "status": "done",
              "start": "2024-05-06T17:24:22.483698673Z",
              "end": "2024-05-06T17:24:28.889650843Z",
              "progress": 100,
              "stats": {
                "id": "36dfeb46-78b0-428a-b9d6-36b0169ac685",
                "current_transfer": 1,
                "total_transfers": 1,
                "transfers": [
                    "description": "Backing up to 2024-05-06T17_24_22.886394673Z",
                    "stats": {
                      "started_at": 1715016262871131000,
                      "finished_at": 1715016268874403800,
                      "buckets": {
                        "travel-sample": {
                          "total_items": 63344,
                          "total_vbuckets": 1024,
                          "vbuckets_complete": 1024,
                          "bytes_received": 28672,
                          "failover_logs_received": 1024,
                          "started_at": 1715016266774038500,
                          "finished_at": 1715016268870321400,
                          "complete": true
                      "users": {},
                      "complete": true
                    "progress": 100,
                    "eta": "2024-05-06T17:24:28.878288801Z"
                "progress": 100,
                "eta": "2024-05-06T17:24:28.878288801Z"
              "error_code": 0
          "error_code": 0,
          "type": "BACKUP"
          "task_name": "fifteenMinuteBackup",
          "status": "done",
          "start": "2024-05-06T17:09:22.279129423Z",
          "end": "2024-05-06T17:09:28.677706343Z",
          "node_runs": [
              "node_id": "1a41682a59f40d3932d2cf7b131a2312",
              "status": "done",
              "start": "2024-05-06T17:09:22.291632632Z",
              "end": "2024-05-06T17:09:28.667370885Z",
              "progress": 100,
              "stats": {
                "id": "7dabe789-0413-4ef2-b7d9-e942cab1da75",
                "current_transfer": 1,
                "total_transfers": 1,
                "transfers": [
                    "description": "Backing up to 2024-05-06T17_09_22.690112298Z",
                    "stats": {
                      "started_at": 1715015362678973000,
                      "finished_at": 1715015368655166200,
                      "buckets": {
                        "travel-sample": {
                          "total_items": 63344,
                          "total_vbuckets": 1024,
                          "vbuckets_complete": 1024,
                          "bytes_received": 28672,
                          "failover_logs_received": 1024,
                          "started_at": 1715015366548654800,
                          "finished_at": 1715015368651093200,
                          "complete": true
                      "users": {},
                      "complete": true
                    "progress": 100,
                    "eta": "2024-05-06T17:09:28.658444968Z"
                "progress": 100,
                "eta": "2024-05-06T17:09:28.658444968Z"
              "error_code": 0
          "error_code": 0,
          "type": "BACKUP"

      See Also