Menu UI Macro


      Use Antora’s Menu UI Macro to render any menu navigation in your documentation.

      For example, menu:File[Save] renders as File  Save in the Couchbase Documentation.

      The menu navigation can be inside the step for a procedure, but the text does not need to be in a procedure to use the macro.

      The following situations are considered menu navigation:

      • Any selections a user makes that causes a significant change to the base contents of a page.

      • Any selections a user makes that brings the user to a new page.

      More specifically, selections made in the following UI elements use the Menu UI Macro:

      • Any sequence of tab and menu navigation.

        For example, if you instruct the user to select the Data Tools tab and then the Buckets menu item.

      • The Profile menu.

      • Any hamburger or More menu (⋮ or …​).

      menu nav examples
      menu nav examples 2
      menu nav examples 3

      For more information on how to use the Menu UI Macro to format your documentation, see Button, Keyboard, and Menu UI Macros in the Contributing to the Documentation guide.