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SG Collect Info


      Using sgcollect to gather system information, diagnostics and metrics
      This topic describes the command line utility, sgcollect, its use and the output it collates.


      Do not use the logs directory as a storage location for files that should not be there. Permission issues with those files can prevent Sync Gateway from starting.


      The command line utility sgcollect_info provides detailed statistics for a specific Sync Gateway node. This tool must be run on each node individually, not on all simultaneously.

      sgcollect_info outputs the following statistics in a zip file:

      1. Logs

      2. Configuration

      3. Expvars (exported variables) that contain important stats

      4. System Level OS stats

      5. Golang profile output (runtime memory and cpu profiling info)

      CLI Command and Parameters

      To see the CLI command line parameters, run:

      ./sgcollect_info --help

      You can can use sgcollect to collect and save information locally and-or to collect and upload the information to Couchbase — see: Example 1.

      Example 1. Using sgcollect
      • Collect and Save Locally

      • Collect and Upload to Couchbase

      ./sgcollect_info /tmp/sgcollect_info.zip

      Collect Sync Gateway diagnostics and upload them to Couchbase Support:

      ./sgcollect_info \
        --sync-gateway-config=/path/to/config.json \
        --sync-gateway-executable=/usr/bin/sync_gateway \
        --sync-gateway-username=Admin \
        --sync-gateway-password=password \
        --log-redaction-level=partial \
        --upload-host=uploads.couchbase.com \
        --customer=Acme \
        --ticket=123 \

      REST Endpoint

      You can also run sgcollect_info from the Admin REST API using the _sgcollect_info endpoint.

      Zipfile Contents

      The tool creates the following log files in the output file.

      Log file Description


      The http access log for sync gateway (i.e which GETs and PUTs it has received and from which IPs)


      The http access log for sg_accel (i.e which GETs and PUTs it has received and from which IPs)


      The error log (all logging sent to stderr by sg_accel) for the sg_accel process


      The error log (all logging sent to stderr by sync_gateway) for the sync_gateway process


      The output of http://localhost:4895 for the running sync gateway


      The output of http://localhost:4895/db_name for the running sync gateway


      The on-disk configuration file used by sync_gateway when it was launched


      The on-disk configuration file used by sg_accel when it was launched


      The configuration used by sync gateway as it is running (may not match the on-disk config as it can be changed on-the-fly)


      The config used by sync gateway for the database specified by db_name


      The expvars (global exposed variables - see https://www.mikeperham.com/2014/12/17/expvar-metrics-for-golang/ for the running sync gateway instance)


      The command line arguments passed to sgcollect_info for this particular output


      OS-level System Stats


      Exported Variables (expvars) from Sync Gateway which show runtime stats


      Goroutine pprof profile output


      Heap pprof profile output


      CPU profile pprof profile output


      System level logs like /var/log/dmesg on Linux


      The Sync Gateway binary executable


      The pprof output that collects directly via an http client rather than using go tool, in case Go is not installed

      File Concatenation

      SGCollect Info has been updated to use the continuous logging feature introduced in 2.1, and collects the four leveled files (sg_error.log, sg_warn.log, sg_info.log and sg_debug.log).

      These new log files are rotated and compressed by Sync Gateway, so sgcollect_info decompresses these rotated logs, and concatenates them back into a single file upon collection.

      For example, if you have sg_debug.log, and sg_debug-2018-04-23T16-57-13.218.log.gz and then run sgcollect_info as normal, both of these files get put into a sg_debug.log file inside the zip output folder.

      Log Redaction

      SGCollect Info now supports log redaction post-processing. In order to utilize this, Sync Gateway needs to be run with the logging.redaction_level property set to "partial".

      Two new command line options have been added to sgcollect_info:

      • --log-redaction-level=REDACT_LEVEL: redaction level for the logs collected, none and partial supported. Defaults to none.

        When --log-redaction-level is set to partial, two zip files are produced, and tagged contents in the redacted one should be hashed in the same way as cbcollect_info:

        $ ./sgcollect_info --log-redaction-level=partial sgout.zip
        Zipfile built: sgout-redacted.zip
        Zipfile built: sgout.zip
      • --log-redaction-salt=SALT_VALUE: salt used in the hashing of tagged data when enabling redaction. Defaults to a random uuid.