Set Search Index General Settings

  • Capella Operational
  • how-to
    Configure general settings with the Couchbase Capella UI for a Search index to improve an index’s search results and performance.


    • You have the Search Service enabled on a node in your cluster. For more information about how to change Services on your cluster, see Modify a Paid Cluster.

    • You have a bucket with scopes and collections in your cluster. For more information, see Manage Buckets.

    • You have created an index with Advanced Mode.

    • You have logged in to the Couchbase Capella UI.


    To set general settings for a Search index with the Capella UI:

    1. On the Operational Clusters page, select the cluster that has the Search index you want to edit.

    2. Go to Data Tools  Search.

    3. Click the index you want to edit.

    4. Under Advanced Settings, expand General Settings.

    5. Configure any of the following general settings for your index:

      Option Description

      Default Type

      Change the default type assigned to documents in the index. The default value is _default.

      Default Analyzer

      Change the default analyzer assigned to type mappings in the index.

      For more information about the available default analyzers, see Default Analyzers.

      For more information about how to create your own custom analyzer, see Create a Custom Analyzer.

      Default Date/Time Parser

      Change the default date/time parser used for date data.

      Default Field

      When you create a mapping for a child field, you can choose to include that field in an _all field.

      You can add fields to the _all field to search their contents without specifying their field name in your search query.

      Enter a value in the Default Field field to change the name of this default field.

      Store Dynamic Fields

      Select Store Dynamic Fields to include field values in search results from a dynamic type mapping in the index.

      Index Dynamic Fields

      Select Index Dynamic Fields to include fields from a dynamic type mapping in the index.

      DocValues for Dynamic Fields

      Select DocValues for Dynamic Fields to include the values of each field from a dynamic type mapping in the index for Facets and sorting search results.

      Number of Replicas

      Set the number of replicas that the Search Service creates for the index.

      For more information about replication and the Search Service, see High Availability for Search in the Couchbase Server documentation.

      Number of Partitions

      Enter a number greater than one to divide the index into partitions across multiple nodes running the Search Service.

    6. Click Update Index.